Gaming Discussions

Garry's Mod How to create a server

Submitted by Fabio, , Thread ID: 27402

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RE: How to create a server

11-01-2017, 09:39 PM
Alex_Kati Wrote:
By trying findout a server on the google in my opinion it's not very recommended for new users, cause you might got a virus.

You must be retarded. It's recommended that people who are starting something new Google for their answers if they don't know it.
fady is a stupid cuck boi - silence

RE: How to create a server

11-01-2017, 10:35 PM
Clickbait Wrote:
sweet, what do i get for that?

Things aren't just right
They are meant to be wrong

[Image: zik944.jpg]

RE: How to create a server

11-01-2017, 11:11 PM
YoutoYokodera Wrote:

oh, worth
[Image: ZtDsXXv.png]

RE: How to create a server

This post was last modified: 11-01-2017, 11:15 PM by YoutoYokodera
11-01-2017, 11:12 PM
Clickbait Wrote:
oh, worth

I can code jobs
That worth
Things aren't just right
They are meant to be wrong

[Image: zik944.jpg]

RE: How to create a server

didnt get that bro what do you mean could u explain more

RE: How to create a server

Just a tip, if you don't know a little bit of LUA and server setups you're probably better off because just in general Garry's Mod server is a pain in the ass and you will face a lot of problems.

RE: How to create a server

create category and put in job
category = "your category",

like it
TEAM_ENGINEER = DarkRP.createJob("SWAT Engineer", {
color = Color(0, 26, 255, 255),
model = "models/payday2/units/heavy_swat_player.mdl",
description = [[SWAT Engineer, Makes Drones and equipment.]],
weapons = {"fas2_glock20", "keypad_cracker", "weaponchecker", "door_ram", "stunstick", "weapon_cuff_police"},
command = "swatengineer",
max = 1,
salary = 225,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
category = "Civil Protection",
PlayerSpawn = function(ply) ply:SetArmor(75) end

RE: How to create a server

Hey I am not sure if this has been answered, but here's exactly what you need/want if it hasn't.

Firstly, go to darkrpmodifcation master, lua, addons, customthings, categories. Open that up and paste this:

name = "Brony", -- The name of the category. So let's say your job has category called "My name is jeff". You put "My name is Jeff" here.
categorises = "jobs", -- What it categorises. MUST be one of "jobs", "entities", "shipments", "weapons", "vehicles", "ammo".
startExpanded = true, -- Whether the category is expanded when you open the F4 menu.
color = Color(0, 107, 0, 255), -- The color of the category header.
canSee = function(ply) return true end, -- OPTIONAL: whether the player can see this category AND EVERYTHING IN IT.
sortOrder = 100, -- OPTIONAL: With this you can decide where your category is. Low numbers to put it on top, high numbers to put it on the bottom. It's 100 by default.

TEAM_PONY = DarkRP.createJob("Pony", { --Pony
color = Color(255, 0, 191, 255),
model = {"models/applejack_player.mdl", "models/bonbon_player.mdl", "models/celestia_player.mdl", "models/colgate_player.mdl", "models/daringdoo_player.mdl", "models/derpyhooves_player.mdl", "models/fluttershy_player.mdl", "models/luna_player.mdl", "models/lyra_player.mdl", "models/octavia_player.mdl", "models/pinkiepie_player.mdl", "models/princesstwilight_player.mdl", "models/rainbowdash_player.mdl", "models/raindrops_player.mdl", "models/rarity_player.mdl", "models/roseluck_player.mdl", "models/spitfire_player.mdl", "models/trixie_player.mdl", "models/twilightsparkle_player.mdl", "models/vinyl_player.mdl", "models/player_chibiterasu.mdl"},
description = [[Pony!!]],
weapons = {"sfw_eblade", "flight_swep", "weapon_arc_atmcard", "orbital_friendship_beam"},
command = "pony",
max = 10,
salary = 175,
admin = 0,
vote = true,
hasLicense = true,
candemote = true,
-- CustomCheck
medic = false,
chief = false,
mayor = false,
hobo = false,
cook = false,
category = "Brony",

See so your job category = Brony here... then make your new category called "Brony"... Yeah? Smile

RE: How to create a server

I suggest you watch videos on how to set it up, now where to get the files look around on here you'll probably find what you're looking for.
If you up for CS:GO Comp hit me up! (Silver Elite)

RE: How to create a server

11-01-2017, 10:35 PM
Clickbait Wrote:
sweet, what do i get for that?

lol so true!!!

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