When it comes to quick-serving fast food, McDonalds is the name synonymous with the industry. It may not have been the first, but it was the first to make the quickly made, assembly-line meal of burgers and fries a staple of American culture. But over the years, I've noticed that the general presentation of McDonalds, from the branding style, menu design, and interior of the stores has started to feel less and less like a restaurant, and more akin to an Apple store.
The slick, iPhone-y presentation McDonalds has now just feels jarring clashed against a menu full of Burgers and McNuggets. And in a way, it makes McDonalds' food look less appetizing. I know fast food isn't supposed to be fancy cuisine, but at least when you walk into other chains like Burger King, Wendy's, Arby's, etc., they at least still look and feel like restaurants.
But when I look at McDonalds now, it just doesn't feel like I'm going to a place to eat. Has anyone else noticed this, or am I just crazy?
RE: Has McDonalds aesthetic become too "sterile"??
Yeah, unfortunately a majority of fast food places and restaurants are switching to that weird, grey, simplistic look. I miss the old days as a kid when everything was so colorful and bright. I guess the style is just changing now, and all these places are just trying to compete with one another.
RE: Has McDonalds aesthetic become too "sterile"??