Anime and Manga

I never read Naruto and at this point I'm too scared to

Submitted by vortal, , Thread ID: 218335

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06-09-2021, 02:46 PM
I really want to read/watched Naruto, but I'm too scared to at this point because there's too damn much of it. Here's my interpretation of what happens in the series, gleaned through cultural osmosis:

-Naruto and his friends are from a village, which is attacked by another village.
-They go train in the mountains and meet with other kids from other villages, who are rivals at first but then they make friends.
-It turns out Naruto has magical powers, unlocked through those TikTok finger dance moves. Later it turns out his friends have them too.
-There is a blonde girl with massive madoonkas. Just enormous badoonkadorinos. Huge doonkadons.
-Eventually the place where they're all training gets attacked again by other kids with different symbols on their weeb headbands.
-One of Naruto's friends, the emo one, turns out to be the Most Powerful One, but he straight-up dies to save his friends.
-The romantic tension between Naruto, the emo boy, and the pink girl now resolved, the pink girl and Naruto start dating.
-They travel, and the emo boy comes back to life so the pink girl starts dating him again. But that's okay because Naruto finds a blind girl and starts dating her.
-Together with the friends they made during training, and the girl with the industrial-size honkabadongs, they defeat the evil kids. Who turned out to not be evil but brainwashed! by evil adults
-The final boss of the series is finding the evil mastermind who was pitting the children of all these villages together so that he could rule them all as supreme villager lord.

The end!!

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