pewpewqaz Wrote: My chrome goes black whenever I maximize it from the taskbar. Any suggestions?
Assuming you're running windows 10, you could try using the cortana search to locate "adjust the appearance and performance of windows". Try hitting "for best performance" at the top and hitting apply. Things are going to look a lot different now, but we aren't done.
Restart you machine, and then go back and hit adjust for best appearance, apply, and then restart again. See if that helped at all.
If not, you should probably look at reinstalling Chrome, and if that doesn't work? Hm, could be a windows problem.
just try some basic corruption repair by opening command prompt as admin and type "sfc /scannow" and hit enter. Comes out clean? Try this "dism.exe /online /cleanup-image /restorehealth" and that comes back clean? Well, your machine could still be corrupt in some way.
Worst case scenario you refresh/do a clean reinstall of chrome by removing it all and not just uninstalling. AppData/ProgramData/ProgramFiles.. etc.