just stick with easy champs. like annie, garen, xin zhao etc. so your mind isnt stressed out on your champion only. champions that doesnt really on mechanics
Pwned Wrote: Hey guys I'm stuck at plat 5, i usually end up with good scores, I play alot of mid annie and veigar... Any suggestions for the patch 7.9? Should I change My main lane or main champs?
I would say get a good duo buddy and go to D5 together
im "just" gold but annie and veigar arent picks which fit into the meta. Try playing some meta champs. i can imagine that on plat people just keep playing things like seju ryze azir and other meta champs. I recommend you to take a look at champ winrates. If u want a new lane it depends on if u got a duo m8. Premade bots are pretty good and i personally carried my team with my pre support every game on the way to gold. got a 78% winrate with him. DuoQ is better in general.