A grid based Jigsaw inventory system using UMG and Blueprints
JCInventory system is a modular inventory system that aims to be easy to install and customize while providing powerful features. Most notably its jigsaw like system and crafting system. More information here.
More Videos: Features: youtube.com/watch?v=BABkNuO_lhg Networking: youtube.com/watch?v=YF21xTub3_k Setting up an Item in JCInventory: youtube.com/watch?v=YDaJymfqoxM Technical Details Features: QuickBar for easy to access items Random loot system Grid Based Jig saw drag and drop Easy to set up Items 5 minute install, sits almost 100% modular from other classes like the players character or controller. Crafting system with option to set up easy fast crafting or run custom scripts for more advanced game logic Item containers that are easy to set up System made with ease of level design in mind Split items, combined items. Context Menu. Details Menu Multibag/Portable loot container system Full Network support!