This simple stamina system brings some new features to a server
It should work without problems for any gamemode, if it doesn't work or you want me to test for a gamemode please contact me
New features:
Running consumes stamina Jumping consumes stamina Gradually slow down(as if getting exhausted) before running out of stamina Unable to jump below a certain amount of stamina Different walking/running speeds for different jobs Hungermod support, no stamina regeneration below a certain % of hunger What can be configured:
Speeds for different ranks Speeds for different jobs[or global speed if there are no jobs] How much stamina is consumed per second of running How much speed is lost for every % below a certain point(like below 20% of stamina, lose 1 speed per %) After how long of no running/jumping stamina begins to replenish How much stamina is replenished per second The HUD bar comes with 4 icons:
Running Jogging(shown when speed is slowing down) Walking Standing Installation:
put the extracted simplestamina folder into your servers garrysmod/addons/ folder, and if you want to you can edit simplestamina/lua/autorun/ss_config.lua
Icon Credits:
Runer silhouette running fast made by Freepik Running by madebyoliver Running by Scott de Jonge standing by Freepik licensed under Creative Commons BY 3.0