Garry's Mod Leaks

[LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

Submitted by Marci12, , Thread ID: 68484

Thread Closed

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

Nice I like it Smile
atm is very good for rp or like death money
and this makes more role play for server
' ? ...

[Image: ascii-red.png]

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

thx for the addon, very helpful and worked just like the original

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

05-01-2018, 06:51 PM
Marci12 Wrote:
Bonjour tous ! Ceci est ma premire fuite sur ce forum, et j'espre pouvoir vous apporter quelques addons sympas et vous aider tous!
Tout d'abord, laissez-moi vous expliquer ce qu'est le guichet automatique de Blue.
Blue's ATM est un systme de GAB lger, assez cool, bien conu et trs utile. Il a le modle le plus propre que vous ayez jamais vu, et il ne trane pas autant que le systme ATM d'ARitz (parce que tous les modles en mouvement et tout le reste).
Je vais mettre les informations de gmodstore ci-dessous, pour que vous puissiez les voir tout de suite.

[Image: db736d401120ed6d1cb00a3afe3be58e.png]

Quel est le distributeur de Blue

Blue's ATM est un addon ATM lger conu pour s'intgrer trs facilement dans n'importe quelle carte ou mode de jeu. Fabriqu avec soin, il prsente un design moderne et intuitif avec un modle lgant qui convient presque toutes les cartes. Blue's ATM exploite les pochoirs pour pouvoir tre plac sur nimporte quelle surface de la carte. Il s'adapte tous les environnements dans lesquels il est plac. Il dispose galement d'une machine Chip 'n' Pin qui permet aux utilisateurs d'effectuer des achats en toute scurit. entre eux sans risque de vol dargent.


  • Poids lger

  • Intuitif

  • Interface utilisateur moderne et facile utiliser

  • Fichier de traduction facile utiliser

  • Peut tre utilis n'importe o? grce l'utilisation de pochoirs

  • Modles purs.

  • Prend en charge la fois MySQL et SQLite

  • Un moyen sr de stocker et d'envoyer de l'argent

  • Prend en charge les comptes partags

  • Livr avec un guichet automatique et un priphrique Chip 'n' Pin

  • Plug and play installation (No set up required)

  • Supports both touchscreen and keypad use

  • View transaction history, allowing you to see all incoming and outgoing money to and from your account.

  • Has interest rate support, so users can be rewarded for storing their money in the bank.


A preview of the ATM

[Image: 7bd9cba2ef2ad1771a60407a865819d3.jpg]

A preview of the Chip 'n' Pin device

[Image: 1867e1328f94d0c70592cde08f0494ea.jpg]

An example of what the stecils are doing.

[Image: pA1qUZd.gif]

An example of the UI

[Image: O26VzD4.gif%22%22]

Yes, how ever if using a custom currency you need to edit the config

Yes you can!

None, well that depends on if your running a custom gamemode or not.

Alright, so I'm going to stop talking and just put the download link below.
Bye !
PS: The content of the addon is inside the zip, just drag n' drop inside your addons folder.

Le contenu a t dpouill. Allez au message cit pour voir le contenu.

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

Merci bien pour l'addon l'ami c'est cool de ta part.

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

Thanks you for share this leak. I go put it in my serv now

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

? ( )
:wooow: Feelsbadman Feelsbadman <3 <3 Heart Eyes Heart Eyes Heart Eyes

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

05-01-2018, 06:51 PM
Marci12 Wrote:
Hello everyone ! This is my first leak on this forum, and I hope I can bring to you some cool addons and help you all !
First of all let me explain what is Blue's ATM.
Blue's ATM is a lightweight ATM system, it is pretty cool, well designed and it is also very useful. It has the cleaniest model's you have everseen, and it doesn't lag as much as ARitz ATM system ( because all of the moving models and everything ).
I'm going to put the gmodstore informations below, so you can see it right away.

[Image: db736d401120ed6d1cb00a3afe3be58e.png]

What is Blue's ATM

Blue's ATM is a lightweight ATM addon designed to be integrated very easily into any map or gamemode. Crafted with care, it features a modern and intuitive design with a sleek model that fits almost any map. Blue's ATM takes advantage of stencils to allow it to be placed on any surface anywhere on the map, as a result it will fit any environment it's placed in. It also features a Chip 'n' Pin machine that allows users to safely make purchases to one another without the risk of the money being stolen.


  • Lightweight

  • Intuitive

  • Modern, easy to use UI

  • Easy to use translation file

  • Can be used anywhere thanks to the use of stencils

  • Sleek models.

  • Supports both MySQL and SQLite

  • Safe way to store and send money

  • Supports shared accounts

  • Comes with an ATM and a Chip 'n' Pin device

  • Plug and play installation (No set up required)

  • Supports both touchscreen and keypad use

  • View transaction history, allowing you to see all incoming and outgoing money to and from your account.

  • Has interest rate support, so users can be rewarded for storing their money in the bank.


A preview of the ATM

[Image: 7bd9cba2ef2ad1771a60407a865819d3.jpg]

A preview of the Chip 'n' Pin device

[Image: 1867e1328f94d0c70592cde08f0494ea.jpg]

An example of what the stecils are doing.

[Image: pA1qUZd.gif]

An example of the UI

[Image: O26VzD4.gif%22%22]

Yes, how ever if using a custom currency you need to edit the config

Yes you can!

None, well that depends on if your running a custom gamemode or not.

Alright, so I'm going to stop talking and just put the download link below.
Bye !
PS: The content of the addon is inside the zip, just drag n' drop inside your addons folder.
Virus scan:

Content has been stripped. Go to the quoted post to view the content.
Does not work and its a re-leak, refund my points :c

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

This post was last modified: 08-02-2020, 11:20 AM by gaikkov
The link is down because Freemmaann took it down. The only way it will be back up is if VC-Mod is removed from the pack

The link is down because Freemmaann took it down. The only way it will be back up is if VC-Mod is removed from the pack

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

thank you so much for the leak, please update to the latest version if there is

RE: [LEAK] Blue's ATM - A Lightweight ATM/Bank system !

Very nice, RIP owner, the atm looks very clean. thank you

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