? LeyHitreg improves Hit Registration by replacing the serverside Hit Registration with clientside Hit Registration. Ley Hitreg lays on top of the original Hit Registration system and additionally corrects mismatching shots and hit groups.
? Works with most if not all weapon bases.
? How does this impact server performance It will keep the load on your server either equal or potentially eventually reduce the load on your server since your server will not need to run any lag compensation anymore.
? Features No FPS impact Easy to install Works with your custom SWEPS Works with your custom damage scaling Does, however, not work with HL2 weapons What are situations in which this might help me If you have a low tickrate server or a player lags or generally your server is known for fake hits.
? This will prevent the situations where your bullet hits (blood comes out of someones head) yet the bullet doesn't register. It'll most likely benefit all players with a ping over 20.
? How do I install this? Unzip it to your servers addons/ folder so you have addons/leyhitreg