This is a system that allows players to spawn a gate which can be customised to allow only certain people (by team, ULX/ULib Group, SteamID), vehicles and NPCs through it. A video demonstration of the addon is available onYoutube. Do note that the video shows the 1.0.1 version of the addon, newer version include updates to the menu.
To install, simply extract the zip file to your addons folder (the team-gate folder should be inside garrysmod/addons/). And then restart your server.
As the system allows quite extensive configuration, make sure you check the config.lua file to see if there's something you want to change before using the gates.
After installation the team gate can be spawned in three different ways
Through the entities tab in the Q menu, in the "Rynoxx" category click on the "Team Gate" entity.
Through a toolgun
Through a console command: rynteamgate_spawn
After you've spawned a Team Gate you can configure it by pressing the interact/use key (Default E) on it
Team gates are automatically saved and will respawn after cleanup, map change and server restart
All team gates are saved on a per-map basis (e.g. spawning a gate on gm_construct wont spawn the same gate on gm_flatgrass after a map change)