No need to upload any materials to the server/fastdl (they are being automatically downloaded by clients).
Supports different currencies:
PointShop 1 points
PointShop 2 points
PointShop 2 premium points
DarkRP money
Pay & Play donation system money
Safe (in case of server crash or any other problem, all the credits and games will be restored).
Contains 3 enthralling games: Jackpot Roulette Bugrace Works with any gamemode.
Contains a NPC entity.
Supports multiple languages.
Installation Unzip the archive and drop "gamble" folder into "addons" folder on your server.
Then type !gamble in chat to open the menu.
If you want to add a NPC, just spawn it using the normal spawn menu. Then open the console and type "gamblesavenpc" to save the positions. If you want to remove NPCs, type "gambleremovenpc" console command.