Garry's Mod Leaks
Leak Xenin F4 menu
Submitted by Fennixbigbot, 11-12-2020, 05:39 PM, Thread ID: 189571
Thread Closed
The xenin F4 menu. :kekdog:
RE: Leak Xenin F4 menu
11-12-2020, 05:59 PM
#2 looks safe but theres a stupid print that happens
this script is inxenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4\ui\jobs\slideout.lua lines 300 - 304 suggest removing it!
another water mark is on line 33 of xenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4_load.lua
inxenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4\configuration\config.lua on lines 341 - 345 theres:
i suggest removing it aswell (or change it)
dont remove this but change itxenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4\ui\dashboard\staff.lua lines 54 - 88
this code will add any staff online as this nulled user
here is the fix:
another watermark:
xenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4\ui\jobs\main.lua on lines 20 - 22
(if the nulled user is reading this, this code doesnt work it prints server side)
(if you keep putting watermarks i will keep exposing them)
function OwO()
print("Thank you for using xenin F4 menu, it was leaked by FennixBigBot. There are a few watermarks that show for superadmins, but it's just for recognition <3!")
another water mark is on line 33 of xenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4_load.lua
inxenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4\configuration\config.lua on lines 341 - 345 theres:
name = "FennixBigBot Profile",
desc = "Please check me out <3!",
url = ""
dont remove this but change itxenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4\ui\dashboard\staff.lua lines 54 - 88
function PANEL:CreateFBB(ply)
local name = "FennixBigBot"
local usergroup = "superadmin"
local rank = "superadmin"
local rankName = "Leaker"
local rankColor = Color(255, 77, 178)
local panel = self.Scroll:Add("DButton")
panel:DockMargin(0, 0, 8, 8)
panel.Paint = function(pnl, w, h)
XeninUI:DrawRoundedBox(6, 0, 0, w, h, Color(50, 50, 50))
local x = pnl.Avatar:GetWide() + (pnl.Avatar.x * 2) + 4
XeninUI:DrawShadowText(name, "F4Menu.Jobs.Row.Name", x, h / 2, Color(231, 231, 235), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 1, 150)
XeninUI:DrawShadowText(rankName, "F4Menu.Jobs.Row.Salary", x, h / 2, rankColor, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 1, 150)
panel.DoClick = function(pnl)
LocalPlayer():ChatPrint("Thanks for looking at my profile <3! But you may want to do it in a browser, it's just better.")
panel.Avatar = vgui.Create("DImage", panel)
panel.PerformLayout = function(pnl, w, h)
pnl.Avatar:SetPos(10, 10)
pnl.Avatar:SetSize(h - 20, h - 20)
table.insert(self.Players, panel)
here is the fix:
function PANEL:CreateFBB(ply)
local name = ply:Nick()
local usergroup = "superadmin"
local rank = "superadmin"
local rankName = tostring(ply:GetUserGroup())
local rankColor = Color(255, 77, 178)
local panel = self.Scroll:Add("DButton")
panel:DockMargin(0, 0, 8, 8)
panel.Paint = function(pnl, w, h)
XeninUI:DrawRoundedBox(6, 0, 0, w, h, Color(50, 50, 50))
local x = pnl.Avatar:GetWide() + (pnl.Avatar.x * 2) + 4
XeninUI:DrawShadowText(name, "F4Menu.Jobs.Row.Name", x, h / 2, Color(231, 231, 235), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 1, 150)
XeninUI:DrawShadowText(rankName, "F4Menu.Jobs.Row.Salary", x, h / 2, rankColor, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 1, 150)
panel.DoClick = function(pnl)
// add anything you want to happen when you click on the staffs name here
panel.Avatar = vgui.Create("DImage", panel)
panel.PerformLayout = function(pnl, w, h)
pnl.Avatar:SetPos(10, 10)
pnl.Avatar:SetSize(h - 20, h - 20)
table.insert(self.Players, panel)
another watermark:
xenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4\ui\jobs\main.lua on lines 20 - 22
(if the nulled user is reading this, this code doesnt work it prints server side)
(if you keep putting watermarks i will keep exposing them)
RE: Leak Xenin F4 menu
Absolutely feel free to. Honestly was seeing how long it would take before people found all the watermarks. But definitely good job <3!11-12-2020, 05:59 PMOfficialTheOwnerStudios Wrote: (if you keep putting watermarks i will keep exposing them)
RE: Leak Xenin F4 menu
11-12-2020, 11:02 PM
#4 took me around 20 minutes to type it all out but to find them all took me under 30 seconds11-12-2020, 10:23 PMFennixbigbot Wrote: Absolutely feel free to. Honestly was seeing how long it would take before people found all the watermarks. But definitely good job <3!
RE: Leak Xenin F4 menu
Fair, it was a bit of an experiment anyways. I'm not the worlds best at hiding things in code, especially considering I'm not quite distinguished in gmod lua. :kekdog:11-12-2020, 11:02 PMOfficialTheOwnerStudios Wrote: took me around 20 minutes to type it all out but to find them all took me under 30 seconds
RE: Leak Xenin F4 menu
13-12-2020, 01:09 AM
#6 if it was someone else i would have gone eh ok but i dont like furries so thats why i spent 20 mins looking for them11-12-2020, 11:42 PMFennixbigbot Wrote: Fair, it was a bit of an experiment anyways. I'm not the worlds best at hiding things in code, especially considering I'm not quite distinguished in gmod lua. :kekdog:
RE: Leak Xenin F4 menu
11-12-2020, 05:59 PMDeleted_254521 Wrote: The old fix doesn'twork anymore,use this instead;
(First delete all the code inside of[b][font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Inter, Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"][font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Inter, Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"][b][font=-apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, Inter, Roboto, "Helvetica Neue", Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol"]xenin_f4\lua\xenin_f4\ui\dashboard\staff.lua then copy and paste this code in it)[/font][/font][/font][/b][/b]
Code:local PANEL = {}
function PANEL:Init()
self.Scroll = self:Add("XeninUI.Scrollpanel.Wyvern")
self.Scroll:DockMargin(0, 40, 0, 0)
self.Players = {}
self:AddTimer("F4Menu.Dashboard.Staff", 10, 0, function()
function PANEL:Build()
for i, v in ipairs(self.Players) do
self.Players[i] = nil
for i, v in pairs(player.GetAll()) do
if (!F4Menu.Config.Staff[v:GetUserGroup()]) then continue end
function PANEL:CreatePlayer(ply)
local name = ply:Nick()
local rank = F4Menu.Config.Staff[ply:GetUserGroup()]
local rankName = istable(rank) and rank.str or rank
local rankColor = istable(rank) and rank.color or Color(182, 182, 182)
local panel = self.Scroll:Add("DPanel")
panel:DockMargin(0, 0, 8, 8)
panel.Paint = function(pnl, w, h)
XeninUI:DrawRoundedBox(6, 0, 0, w, h, Color(50, 50, 50))
local x = pnl.Avatar:GetWide() + (pnl.Avatar.x * 2) + 4
XeninUI:DrawShadowText(name, "F4Menu.Jobs.Row.Name", x, h / 2, Color(231, 231, 235), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_BOTTOM, 1, 150)
XeninUI:DrawShadowText(rankName, "F4Menu.Jobs.Row.Salary", x, h / 2, rankColor, TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_TOP, 1, 150)
panel.Avatar = panel:Add("XeninUI.Avatar")
panel.Avatar:SetPlayer(ply, 64)
panel.PerformLayout = function(pnl, w, h)
pnl.Avatar:SetPos(10, 10)
pnl.Avatar:SetSize(h - 20, h - 20)
table.insert(self.Players, panel)
function PANEL:Paint(w, h)
draw.SimpleText(F4Menu:GetPhrase("dashboard.onlineStaff.title"), "F4Menu.Dashboard.Navbar", 0, 32 / 2, Color(212, 212, 212), TEXT_ALIGN_LEFT, TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER)
vgui.Register("F4Menu.Dashboard.Staff", PANEL)
RE: Leak Xenin F4 menu
23-06-2021, 11:28 PM
#8 if it was someone else i would have gone eh ok but i dont like furries so thats why i spent 20 mins looking for them
RE: Leak Xenin F4 menu
16-06-2022, 01:57 PM
#9 bruh, would've used it but seems like alot of effort to rewrite all the txt's... thanks tho
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