Garry's Mod
LibK wont works, lua errors are always appearing.
Submitted by xKinez, 19-04-2019, 06:00 PM, Thread ID: 128700
Thread Closed
19-04-2019, 06:00 PM
#1 Hey guys, I have a question, so I downloaded several Pointshop 2 Addons before and then yours.
I have a problem with the addon "LibK" it is not going to work slightly..
My server console says that everythings is loaded like "LibK, PointShop2 and Pac3"
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: 0_sh_middleclass.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: 1_sh_promises.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: 2_sh_libk.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_KPlayer.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_Singleton.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_addonloader.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_debug.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_easing.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_logger.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_permissionInterface.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_thirdparty.lua
GLib : Adding glib/* to virtual lua pack... done (228 total files, 571.04 ms)
LibK uses vnet by vercas (Copyright 2014 Alexandru-Mihai Maftei), MIT licensed
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_underscore.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_util.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_database_transaction.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_BaseController.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_config.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_database.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_model.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_player.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_server.lua
HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_util.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_permissionInterface.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_versioning.lua
[LibK] MANUAL: Loading file: libk/shared/sh_KPlayer.lua
LibK by Kamshak loaded
[PAC3] Loaded total 36 particle systems
Pointshop2 Version 596 : 76561198214992071 loaded
So as you can see, that everything is loaded, LibK, Pac3 and Pointshop 2 from your leak.
Good, but then when I am ingame, I wanted to open Pointshop2 with F3 and nothing appears.
And I checked the server console and it said:
L 04/19/2019 - 17:38:00: "Chinese Boi<2><STEAM_0:1:200391905><>" entered the game
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file 'libk\3rdparty\\luadata.lua' (File not found) (@addons/libk/lua/libk/shared/sh_thirdparty.lua (line 9))
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file libk/3rdparty/luadata.lua -> libk/3rdparty//luadata.lua: Unknown Error
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file 'libk\3rdparty\\von.lua' (File not found) (@addons/libk/lua/libk/shared/sh_thirdparty.lua (line 9))
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file libk/3rdparty/von.lua -> libk/3rdparty//von.lua: Unknown Error
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file 'libk\3rdparty\\circular_queue.lua' (File not found) (@addons/libk/lua/libk/shared/sh_thirdparty.lua (line 9))
Yeah, thats basically it. I would really really appreciate your help if you want to help me. I tried to reinstall LibK and Pointshop2 but nothing works. I sat 4 hours down on the PC to fix the problem. Please help me. I am not a leecher just because I created an account and looking for leaked addons, I need help from users that are experienced. I googled and so on and searched for answers but the results were always nothing.
I tried with the LibK on Github but it has other Lua Errors.. I am so confused o.o
I have a problem with the addon "LibK" it is not going to work slightly..
My server console says that everythings is loaded like "LibK, PointShop2 and Pac3"
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: 0_sh_middleclass.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: 1_sh_promises.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: 2_sh_libk.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_KPlayer.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_Singleton.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_addonloader.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_debug.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_easing.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_logger.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_permissionInterface.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_thirdparty.lua
GLib : Adding glib/* to virtual lua pack... done (228 total files, 571.04 ms)
LibK uses vnet by vercas (Copyright 2014 Alexandru-Mihai Maftei), MIT licensed
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_underscore.lua
[LibK] Loading SHARED file: sh_util.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_database_transaction.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_BaseController.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_config.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_database.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_model.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_player.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_server.lua
HTTP failed - ISteamHTTP isn't available!
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_libk_util.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_permissionInterface.lua
[LibK] Loading SERVER file: sv_versioning.lua
[LibK] MANUAL: Loading file: libk/shared/sh_KPlayer.lua
LibK by Kamshak loaded
[PAC3] Loaded total 36 particle systems
Pointshop2 Version 596 : 76561198214992071 loaded
So as you can see, that everything is loaded, LibK, Pac3 and Pointshop 2 from your leak.
Good, but then when I am ingame, I wanted to open Pointshop2 with F3 and nothing appears.
And I checked the server console and it said:
L 04/19/2019 - 17:38:00: "Chinese Boi<2><STEAM_0:1:200391905><>" entered the game
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file 'libk\3rdparty\\luadata.lua' (File not found) (@addons/libk/lua/libk/shared/sh_thirdparty.lua (line 9))
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file libk/3rdparty/luadata.lua -> libk/3rdparty//luadata.lua: Unknown Error
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file 'libk\3rdparty\\von.lua' (File not found) (@addons/libk/lua/libk/shared/sh_thirdparty.lua (line 9))
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file libk/3rdparty/von.lua -> libk/3rdparty//von.lua: Unknown Error
[Chinese Boi|2|STEAM_0:1:200391905] Lua Error:
Couldn't include file 'libk\3rdparty\\circular_queue.lua' (File not found) (@addons/libk/lua/libk/shared/sh_thirdparty.lua (line 9))
Yeah, thats basically it. I would really really appreciate your help if you want to help me. I tried to reinstall LibK and Pointshop2 but nothing works. I sat 4 hours down on the PC to fix the problem. Please help me. I am not a leecher just because I created an account and looking for leaked addons, I need help from users that are experienced. I googled and so on and searched for answers but the results were always nothing.
I tried with the LibK on Github but it has other Lua Errors.. I am so confused o.o
RE: LibK wont works, lua errors are always appearing.
20-04-2019, 04:27 AM
#2 Are u on a linux server? When yes, u may want to lowercase the addon.
RE: LibK wont works, lua errors are always appearing.
20-04-2019, 09:13 AM
#3 Are you on livux or windows ?
root or user ?
If i's a user check if the addons have acces to the data folder.
Or check the owneship (
root or user ?
If i's a user check if the addons have acces to the data folder.
Or check the owneship (
RE: LibK wont works, lua errors are always appearing.
20-04-2019, 09:34 PM
#4 Are you on Linux what VER are you useing right now dude maybe PM on a GMOD server that might help
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