Joelstubbs7 Wrote: Of course non of them work... I keep getting the same " the folder you are looking for no longer exists" or whatever on each and every single link here
Its because you are checking really old Threads / posts on NulledBB and expect them to work.
Try some newer, always check date of thread is posted, to make sure link will be working. (mostly oldest , links are dead)
CyberLeaks Wrote: Its because you are checking really old Threads / posts on NulledBB and expect them to work.
Try some newer, always check date of thread is posted, to make sure link will be working. (mostly oldest , links are dead)
Thanks. Finding my way through this a bit easier now. I thought it filtered by date/newest... boy was I wrong. But I do see a decent amount of activity on here, so no reason why they shouldn't display it that way. I guess to each there own. Thanks for the tip though, set me on the right path. I appreciate it.