Social Engineering

Method: Recover an Playstation Network account

Submitted by x7volume, , Thread ID: 137412

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18-07-2019, 04:47 PM
Not sure if this was posted about before - but I had known about this since 2016. Since I don't really play Playstation much anymore, figured I would share. Basically what you do is research your target, usually you can find a decent amount via google and duckduck. Try leakedsource to search their username, and see what dumps they were involved in, download the dump, and grab their email - because most of the time the passwords are outddated. But if you are lucky you might grab their current account password. But most likely no.
After you have their name, email, reverse search it in a people search engine, and compile basic information about them. What key-info you are going for is an email, a full name, and their address, and if you are lucky the last 4 digits of their debit card. Go to your target profile and observe the trophies, and games (the ones that are on top), and the first trophy on the account (since it'll hint at when they created the account. Take note of the date and year)

But what you do next isgo to Sony's Playstation live USA chat, create a new email, and when they ask for a phone number supply either a TextFree number or make up one but they key is use the same area code. Make sure to use their name when signing up on the form. But a good story to use is that you lost access to the email you found earlier, provide them "your" full name, and usually they'll ask you for your 3 most recent purchases. And provide the "account creation date",You can pretty much guess this based off trophies, and if your story is believable they will ask you your new email after you supply "your phone number." I used this method to gain access to a few accounts. Afterwards of gaining access to the account, navigate to the sonyentertainment website and take note of all their payment methods and the account creation. So you can reference thefirst andlast 4 digits of their payment method with a story you were compromised, and they'll give you "your" account back. Also take note of the account creation date in case they catch on.

Happy reverse engineering!!

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