I think they are the worst to be honest. Free to play games I can understand but full retail priced games shouldnt have them in. Rainbow six siege for example requires you to spend 40 hours to unlock a character or spend 7 quid and get it. Yet everyone is going on about starwars doing the same thing
Micro transactions are so stupid honestly. many times when there are micro transactions in a game, you are most likely in a big disadvantage if you dont spend a lot of money, just look at hearthstone. yeah, it might be free to play, but still. especially iwth $60 games having micro transactions. thats... i dont even know. dlcs and extra content like that id gladly pay for, but crates etc , oh nooo
i think micro transactions dont really belong into the pc gaming market, its already established in the mobile gaming market to an absurd amount ... and it should stay there, because of if i pay a box price for a game i would like that to be all the money i have to pay for it to unlock all the content as quickly as anyone else, or slow for that matter ... im actually not against lootboxes or similar, im only against them if you have the option to buy them with real world money, making games pay to win