Minecraft Leaks
Submitted by caped, 17-04-2019, 01:56 AM, Thread ID: 128446
Thread Closed
(Paper/Taco)Spigot 1.8.3 - 1.12.x
CraftBukkit isn't supported and won't be, neither any other minecraft server API other than Spigot or it's forks.
Terms of Service (you agree to, by buying/downloading this plugin):
(Paper/Taco)Spigot 1.8.3 - 1.12.x
CraftBukkit isn't supported and won't be, neither any other minecraft server API other than Spigot or it's forks.
- Custom Vanish- Custom made vanish mode which allows you tocompletelymake yourself invisible to anyone who doesn't have the permissionmodmode.vanish.bypass. Usable with /vanish and as a modmode module.
- Invsee- Inspect a player's inventory by either calling the command/invseeor one of its aliases or simply use themodulein modmode. Very neat GUI showing the players inventory & armor contents aswell as the players statistics.
- Enderchest- Inspect a player's enderchest by simply using the module in modmode. Nothing special to it really, it just opens the players enderchest's copy
- Follow- This module allows you toride / mountany entity in the game. This was originally made to check on players and follow them thru the map. But now also features following / riding any entity!
- Push- With this simple but usefull feature you can move yourself around veryquickly. This feature works using/pushor using the push module in the modmode.
- Freeze- This module allows the mod / staff tofreezethe rulebreaker, which means that the rulebreaker can pretty much do nothing at all. Alot of events are blocked and when a player logs out while frozen, it reports to staff with permissionmodmode.freeze.playerlogoutand also executes commands that can be set in a list in the config.yml. This also opens an inventory to prevent the player from closing any ghost client related cheats.
- RandomTP- This feature allows themod / staffto teleport to a random player in the server. This is very usefull and handy. You can either choose to use/randomtpor one of its aliases or use the module in modmode.
- Ticket- Introducing modmode's ticket system! Now you and players are able to send tickets to staff, for help or just to ask how they are. Tickets come with ID's and are logged into aticket.ymlfile aswell. Staff can respond to the ticket with simply using /ticket respond.
- Staffchat- Staffchat allows you to talk to other staff members very easy, just type/scmessageand you are set to go!
- Clearchat- Clearchat is a simple way to clear the chat and prevend from spam or advertisement, but only for the players who do not have the bypass permission calledmodmode.clearchat.bypass.
- Togglechat- Togglechat is a way to toggle the minecrafton/offand chatting will not be possible, there is also a 'blocked commands' list under togglechat section to block commands while the chat is turned off. Only players with the bypassmodmode.togglechat.bypasscan bypass the chat and command block.
- Inventory while moderating- We let you customize the whole inventory set up custom, assign commands for items and do special actions.
Terms of Service (you agree to, by buying/downloading this plugin):
- You are responsible what happens with the plugin after you download, therefore, if plugin is leaked or redistributed and it's registered under your name, I am allowed to remove you from buyers list without a warning. I may be obligated to report you on SpigotMC, which might lead to your account being permanently suspended (banned).
- You may not redistribute plugin, in any shape or form neither it's code or parts of it.
- You may ask me for support if plugin doesn't function the way it's supposed to.
- No refunds, as one does not have a right to get a refund for such digital item, because you have been gained access to it instantly and may have used it.
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