What does it do? This will allow members to add their twitter feeds directly into their profiles as well as have a postbit button. Works in classic and regular postbit.
Installation 1. Upload the files from the zip. ROOT/inc/plugins/mytweets.php ROOT/images/english/postbit_twitter.gif (upload this image to all your themes image folders)
2. Login to your admincp and INSTALL & ACTIVATE the plugin (My Tweets) in the plugin manager. 3. You will see a new setting group "My Tweets" in admincp. Profile Tweets - Do you want the tweets displayed in profile? Postbit Tweets - Would you like a postbit button added linked to twitter profiles? Twitter Profile Field ID - Filled in on activation but just in case something goes wrong you can manually set this. Display Tweets - This is the number of tweets you will display in profile. 4. (optional) The image for the button is uploaded to images/english/postbit_twitter.gif. Alter it to suit your needs. This will work from your theme image directory and language. So it's very compatible with multiple themes and languages. 5. (optional) If you'd like to alter the twitter profile feed colors you must alter the actual global template "mytweets". You can change in it the background, link, and text colors.