Themes, Templates and Scripts
[OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
Submitted by silenthd, 03-12-2018, 01:27 AM, Thread ID: 107843
Thread Closed
RE: [OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
09-10-2019, 09:07 PM
#21 Hope its compatible with opencart Recently I installed module and it breaked my website... So I will try and give you my comment :=)
RE: [OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
20-10-2019, 02:41 PM
#22 tamam03-12-2018, 01:27 AMsilenthd Wrote:
* Sein ve gsterilen stunlar sralayn * Hzl yerinde dzenleme * Toplu olarak birden fazla rn dzenleme * Gelimi filtreler * Her yerde eletir *
Ne yapar?
AQE PRO OpenCart Katalog, Pazarlama ve Sat men listesi grnm sayfalarn geniletir.
Katalogda (kategoriler, rnler, filtreler, tekrarlanan profiller, incelemeler, indirmeler, seenekler, zellikler, nitelik gruplar, bilgiler ve reticiler), Pazarlama (pazarlama, sat ortaklar, kuponlar) ve Sat (sipariler, iadeler, mteriler, kuponlar ve kupon temalar) Sayfalar Ynetici Hzl Dzenleme PRO, liste grnmnden kmadan ve geleneksel e dzenleme sayfasn amanza gerek kalmadan deerleri hzla dzenleyebilmenizi salar, bylece ok fazla zaman kazanabilirsiniz. Ayrca, bir kerede birden fazla eyi toplu olarak dzenleyebilirsiniz, bylece daha da fazla zaman kazanabilirsiniz. Bu, fiyatlarn, miktarlarn, vb. Sklkla deitirilmesi gereken ok rn ve byk cirolu maazalar iin idealdir.
Hzl dzenlenebilir deerlerin tam listesi iin ltfen dahili forum sayfasna bakn.
Ek olarak, Katalog, Pazarlama ve Sat listesi grnm sayfasnda grntlenen stunlar semenizi, sralamanz ve filtrelemenizi ve hzlca dzenlenebilecek stunlar belirlemenizi salar.
eleri dzenlemek hi bu kadar hzl ve kolay olmamt - deitirmek istediiniz deeri tklayn, dzenleyin ve deiiklikleri kaydetmek iin Enter (veya uygun yerlerde Kaydet) dmesine basn. Dzenleme kutusunun dn tklatmak veya Esc (veya uygunsa ptal dmesine) basmak dzenlemeyi iptal eder.
Toplu dzenleme
Birden ok e sein ve hepsini bir kerede dzenleyin
Seilebilir stunlar
Liste grnmnde grmek istediiniz stunlar sein, gerisini gizleyin
Sralanabilir stunlar
zel srayla stunlar dzenleyin, varsaylan sralamay deitirin
Stun bana hzl dzenlemeyi etkinletirin / devre d brakn
Hangi stunlarn hzl bir ekilde dzenlenebileceini ve hangisinde
arama yapamayacanz
Saysal deerler iin aralkl filtreleme
Bir deer aralndaki eleri filtreleme (rn. 100 ile 300 aras fiyat veya 10'un zerindeki miktar)
Alternatif sra rengi + vurgulu vurgulama
Uzun listeleri grntlemeyi kolaylatrr
rnleri, kategorileri, reticileri ve bilgi sayfalarn hzl bir ekilde grntleyin kaydet (oklu maaza destei ile)
Durum vurgulama
Engelli eleri krmz renkte grntler, bylece kolayca bulunabilirler.
Tamamen ok dilli
ok dilli maazalarda herhangi bir dil iin deerleri hzl bir ekilde dzenleyebilirsiniz
Tamamen AJAX tabanl
Sayfa yenilemeye gerek yok
Tek veya ift tklama hzl dzenleme seenei
Genel zellikler
Srm 3.0 yeni zellikler
Live Demo
OpenCart 2.0 Ynetici (kullanc / ifre: demo)
OpenCart 1.5 Ynetici (kullanc / ifre: demo)
En son srm 6.0.2'dir.
- OpenCart 3.0
- OpenCart 1.5.x'ten 2.3.x'e VQMod 2.5.0 veya daha yenisi ile
- PHP 5.4 veya daha yeni
Sorunlar ve Sorular
Yorumlar yalnzca sat ncesi sorularnz ve puanlarnz iindir! Ltfen burada uzatma maazas politikasna bakn.
Destek e-posta adresi, uzant belgelerinde, ariv iindeki ykleme talimatlar dosyasnda veya Destek blmnn altndaki uzant ayarlar sayfasnda bulunabilir.
Uzantyla ilgili sorunlarnz varsa, ltfen yorumlar blmnde bunlar ykseltmeyin, bunun yerine destek e-posta adresiyle iletiime gein veya 'Destek Al' dmesini kullann.
ifre yok.
erii kaldrld. erii grntlemek iin alntlanan gnderiye gidin.
RE: [OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
23-10-2019, 10:54 PM
#23 thanks for that sharing... regards, i am very happy for found that.
RE: [OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
07-12-2019, 02:43 AM
#24 . I've an e-commerce with opencart and this can help me
RE: [OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
24-12-2019, 11:26 AM
#25 thank you so much. thanks bro. I just needed a module.
RE: [OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
paylam iin teekkrler, umarm iimize yarar......
03-12-2018, 01:27 AMsilenthdLINK DONT WORK Wrote:
* Select & Sort columns displayed * Quick in place edit * Batch edit multiple products * Advanced filters * Match anywhere *
What does it do?
AQE PRO extends OpenCart Catalog, Marketing and Sales menu list view pages.
On Catalog (categories, products, filters, recurring profiles, reviews, downloads, options, attributes, attribute groups, informations and manufacturers), Marketing (marketing, affiliates, coupons) and Sales (orders, returns, customers, vouchers and voucher themes) pages Admin Quick Edit PRO enables you to quickly edit the values in place without having to leave the list view and open the conventional item edit page, so you can save a lot of time. Furthermore, you can batch edit multiple items at once, so you can save even more time. This is ideal for shops with lots of products and big turnover where prices, quantities, etc often need to be changed.
For a full list of quick editable values, please refer to the extension forum page.
Additionally the extension allows you to select, sort and filter the columns displayed on Catalog, Marketing and Sales list view page and determine the columns that can be quick edited.
Editing items has never been so fast & easy before - just click on the value you want to change, edit it and hit Enter (or press Save where appropriate) to save the changes. Clicking outside the edit box or pressing Esc (or Cancel button where appropriate) will cancel the edit.
Batch editing
Select multiple items and edit them all at once
Selectable columns
Choose the columns you wish to see in the list view, hide the rest
Sortable columns
Arrange columns in custom order, change default sorting
Enable/Disable quick editing per column
Control which columns can be quickly edited and which not
Search anywhere
Filter string matches tokens anywhere in the phrase.
Interval filtering for numeric values
Filter items within a value range (e.g. price between 100 and 300 or quantity above 10)
Alternating row colour + hover highlighting
Makes viewing long lists easier
Direct links to store
Quickly view products, categories, manufacturers and information pages in the store (with multistore support)
Status highlighting
Displays disabled items in red, so they can be easily found.
Fully multilingual
In multilingual shops you can quickly edit the values for any language
Fully AJAX based
No page refreshes are needed
Option for single or double click quick editing
General features
Version 3.0 new features
Live Demo
OpenCart 2.0 Admin (user/password: demo)
OpenCart 1.5 Admin (user/password: demo)
Latest version is 6.0.2.
- OpenCart 3.0
- OpenCart 1.5.x to 2.3.x with VQMod 2.5.0 or later
- PHP 5.4 or newer
Problems & Questions
Comments are for pre-sale questions and ratings only! Please see the extension store policy here.
Support email address can be found in the extension documentation, installation instructions file inside the archive or on the extension settings page under the Support section.
If you have issues with the extension please do not raise them in the comments section, instead contact on the support email address or use the 'Get Support ' button.
No password.
Content has been stripped. Go to the quoted post to view the content.
03-12-2018, 01:27 AMsilenthdLINK DONT WORK Wrote:
* Select & Sort columns displayed * Quick in place edit * Batch edit multiple products * Advanced filters * Match anywhere *
What does it do?
AQE PRO extends OpenCart Catalog, Marketing and Sales menu list view pages.
On Catalog (categories, products, filters, recurring profiles, reviews, downloads, options, attributes, attribute groups, informations and manufacturers), Marketing (marketing, affiliates, coupons) and Sales (orders, returns, customers, vouchers and voucher themes) pages Admin Quick Edit PRO enables you to quickly edit the values in place without having to leave the list view and open the conventional item edit page, so you can save a lot of time. Furthermore, you can batch edit multiple items at once, so you can save even more time. This is ideal for shops with lots of products and big turnover where prices, quantities, etc often need to be changed.
For a full list of quick editable values, please refer to the extension forum page.
Additionally the extension allows you to select, sort and filter the columns displayed on Catalog, Marketing and Sales list view page and determine the columns that can be quick edited.
Editing items has never been so fast & easy before - just click on the value you want to change, edit it and hit Enter (or press Save where appropriate) to save the changes. Clicking outside the edit box or pressing Esc (or Cancel button where appropriate) will cancel the edit.
Batch editing
Select multiple items and edit them all at once
Selectable columns
Choose the columns you wish to see in the list view, hide the rest
Sortable columns
Arrange columns in custom order, change default sorting
Enable/Disable quick editing per column
Control which columns can be quickly edited and which not
Search anywhere
Filter string matches tokens anywhere in the phrase.
Interval filtering for numeric values
Filter items within a value range (e.g. price between 100 and 300 or quantity above 10)
Alternating row colour + hover highlighting
Makes viewing long lists easier
Direct links to store
Quickly view products, categories, manufacturers and information pages in the store (with multistore support)
Status highlighting
Displays disabled items in red, so they can be easily found.
Fully multilingual
In multilingual shops you can quickly edit the values for any language
Fully AJAX based
No page refreshes are needed
Option for single or double click quick editing
General features
Version 3.0 new features
Live Demo
OpenCart 2.0 Admin (user/password: demo)
OpenCart 1.5 Admin (user/password: demo)
Latest version is 6.0.2.
- OpenCart 3.0
- OpenCart 1.5.x to 2.3.x with VQMod 2.5.0 or later
- PHP 5.4 or newer
Problems & Questions
Comments are for pre-sale questions and ratings only! Please see the extension store policy here.
Support email address can be found in the extension documentation, installation instructions file inside the archive or on the extension settings page under the Support section.
If you have issues with the extension please do not raise them in the comments section, instead contact on the support email address or use the 'Get Support ' button.
No password.
Content has been stripped. Go to the quoted post to view the content.
RE: [OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
will check out to this.................................
I need this extension badly, but, can;t download due to 15 post requirements.
I need this extension badly, but, can;t download due to 15 post requirements.
RE: [OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
21-04-2020, 02:33 AM
#28 Awesome. Thank you for the upload!
Gonna try It on OC
Gonna try It on OC
RE: [OPENCART] Admin Quick Edit pro 5.7.1 for OC 2.3
29-10-2020, 10:49 AM
#29 the topic was quite successful and was a necessary topic I was looking for at the very end I found
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