
Opinion to the 1.17

Submitted by Farfahno, , Thread ID: 200387

Thread Closed
12-03-2021, 02:30 PM
What is your Opinion to the new Cave Update?

RE: Opinion to the 1.17

I can't wait for the beta version of the bedrock edition to be a snapshot, it looks so cool! so much possible and more incredible ...

RE: Opinion to the 1.17

La 1.17 est vrmt une version qui a de l'avenir, je pense que cela va rvolutionnaire minecraft

RE: Opinion to the 1.17

14-03-2021, 01:01 AM
Poukov Wrote:
La 1.17 est vrmt une version qui a de l'avenir, je pense que cela va rvolutionnaire minecraft
Oui elle va laisser place au crateur comme roi Louis ect une possibilit encore plus infini que maintenant, et de sacr tour mob lol

RE: Opinion to the 1.17

I'm an old-school Minecraft nut. In many ways the cave update was much needed, but at the same time, why bother? the only reason we "need" a cave update is because it is lagging behind all of the other updates, like the nether and the ocean; if Minecraft held true to what it once was, then we wouldn't even be discussing this.

RE: Opinion to the 1.17

Hope it will be fine with no bugs

RE: Opinion to the 1.17

I can't wait for the beta version of the bedrock edition to be a snapshot

RE: Opinion to the 1.17

It seems to be pretty neat.

RE: Opinion to the 1.17

Looking forward to it immensely but some of the ideas are taking the game a bit too far. I know they want to modernise the game but by completely reworking all the stone and ore textures isn't the way to do it. Its also great how they finally added copper into the game because now mods don't need different ores. they can use the global Minecraft copper ore. They just really need to add a way to prevent copper corrosion. Id love to build permanent things with orange copper

RE: Opinion to the 1.17

most likely wont be something that amazing , since a big grand update is in wait for 2.0

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