Okey new event is pretty crap. I dont get why overwatch can never get a good update in. Every time they come out with these event stuff its fun for like 30min. Then its just the same garbage game its been for a while now.
We need blizzard to come out with like 5 maps and 3 new heroes at the same time so the game feels more fresh again.
RE: Overwatch event
20-04-2019, 02:28 AM
This post was last modified: 20-04-2019, 02:46 AM by Akiko
5 Maps and 3 New heroes at once, Are you literally crazy? No, I haven't played the event yet and so far people have said it was good, If you think the game is this bad then quit? I bet you're some bronze kid trying to be next level Top 500.
Edit: After playing my first game, Its amazing - What do you want them to do, Give you literally a campaign?