As you see in the title, my PC loves to BSOD every day and I can't live like this anymore. I bought it 1 year and a half ago andI tried everything, but I had 2 results: 1. My PC BSOD from the very beginning 2. It would work fine for some time then BSOD My problem is that if it would've done this once a day I wouldn't had any problem at all, but it starting to piss me off, cuz I want to play something without having to worry. PC Specs: Intel i7 6700k 4GHz Geforce GTX 1070 SSD (for windows) 1TB HDD 32GB ram (even tho it sees only 16GB of them and idk why) I also get a lot of codes from the BSOD
I think it may do sth with ram, put 16gb and then pukll out and pouth another 16gb try it. maybe you don;t have motherboard that suopoprts more th1n 16gb
UpperCase Wrote: I think it may do sth with ram, put 16gb and then pukll out and pouth another 16gb try it. maybe you don;t have motherboard that suopoprts more th1n 16gb
I tried something like this, but I can't do it with every piece of ram because I have a gigantic fan and I can't remove those piecesproperly. Also, I verified my ram and said that there's no problem. About the motherboard, I have an Asus B150-PLUS and even with every tutorial and such I still don't know what to do
When you get a BSOD there will be an error message with it. Next time you get one, take a picture of your screen and then Google the error message to try to find more information about what it could be.