So recently, the update for The Division 2 (at this point i'm calling it Divi 2) on TU4 (Title Update 4) was just an absolute mess. Like, beyond anything I experienced, they introduced old bugs that were suppose to be patched from the beginning, TOTAL AGGRESSIVE AIs that they did not fix as promised from TU3 and much more. I could make a list, like a preview of their problems, but i'm going to make a list that's short, sweet and simple. Here's the small story of Divi 2 bugs.
DIVISION 2 BUGS: (Ah shit, here we go again. . .)
Invincible backpacks. WEEEEEE
Infinite Armor Glitch
NPCs no-colliding with walls
Lag for 30 minutes when you throw a frag
Friends join you, you crash
You join a raid, you die instantly (or it's new, I can't recall)
Phasing out of existance
Infinite runner glitcher (NPC runs to cover from Lincoln Memorial all the way to the White House)
Minigun basically doesn't fire
Chatterbox is not a chatterbox but an a Vector .45
Missing textures
Missing bodies
Missing heads
Missing gun
Missing enemies and sometimes, a battalion of enemies (I'm not joking with that statement)
Spawns broke
The bible does not work
You can't quit the game unless you use task manager
Crying is not an option
Pistol damage is reduced to 3 instead of 30k at Gear Score 500
Hunters having big guns glitch
Black Tusk having bigger head but small hitboxes
And that's all I can think of an remember of Divi 2 glitches. Look, the game is solid, it's fun, it's broken, but sometimes when the server crashes, my heart crashes.