There are 2 MOBILE PUBG games created by Tencent, one is created by studio timi, and the other one created by quantum and lightspeed. You currently playing PUBG quantum/lightspeed.
I've played it, but it's nowhere near as good as the PC version.... but somehow better than console versions in my experience. The console versions always felt off and they just play terribly for me in my past experiences. If you're good at mobile FPS' then you should do fine in PUBG, just that they're still ironing out some FPS issues and other things.... But someday it might be as good or even better than the PC version running on better phones. -- By that I mean, I feel that the PUBG Mobile is being run by another company and will invest far more time into optomising it than the PC developers currently are, as I see that they're more working on new features and new maps more than optomising... IDK, just seems to be an ongoing problem that PUBG on the PC and console suffer from.
zmart Wrote: There are 2 MOBILE PUBG games created by Tencent, one is created by studio timi, and the other one created by quantum and lightspeed. You currently playing PUBG quantum/lightspeed.
zmart Wrote: There are 2 MOBILE PUBG games created by Tencent, one is created by studio timi, and the other one created by quantum and lightspeed. You currently playing PUBG quantum/lightspeed.
zmart Wrote: There are 2 MOBILE PUBG games created by Tencent, one is created by studio timi, and the other one created by quantum and lightspeed. You currently playing PUBG quantum/lightspeed.
AeroGames Wrote: All the battle royal games going mobile, hungry for money
this is the new era of shooter, with call of duty as good as dead, mobile battleground type shooters are the latest development for the shooter genre. It's unfortunate.