Garry's Mod Leaks

Pack addon perso/banjob/saveweapon/last position

Submitted by OvixOlo, , Thread ID: 169047

Thread Closed
26-04-2020, 04:12 PM
[b]Voici un model de prsentation :[/b]

[b]Here is a presentation model: Pack Create perso/banjob/saveweapon/last position[/b]

[b]Addon description:allows you to create a character who will stay the same time he does not kill despite the decor, a ban job to avoid the creation of pero on temporary jobs, a save weapon and finally the pack allows to tp the lastposition[/b]

[b]Images :X[/b]

[b]Lien GmodStore :homemade script by a developer of a one piece server[/b]

Tutoriel :

[FR]: Glissez le fichier dans addon voila les commande /createperso /infoperso /adminperso

[EN][img=22x22][/img]rag the file into the addon here are the commands / createperso / infoperso / adminperso


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