League Of Legends

Patch 8.13 Changes [Details]

Submitted by Muterkool, , Thread ID: 93059

Thread Closed
22-06-2018, 11:36 AM
Aatrox's additional AD against monsters was lowered from 15 to 10 percent. Camille's hook shot damage was lowered at all levels, capping out at 200 instead of 255.

Irelia had her base AD increased from 60 to 62, and her passive was changed to give her less on-hit base damage at max stacks (48 from 66), and the on-hit ratio was swapped from 16 percent of total AD to 16 percent of bonus AD, but she got more attack speed (50 from 40). Her W minimum damage was reduced from 90 to 78, and her maximum damage on W was increased from 180 to 195, but all scaling has been reduced on the ability.

Oriana had the AP ratio on her E increased by 10 percent. Pyke had his HP per level reduced, his MR per level increased, and his armor per level increased. Singed had his Q mana cost reverted back to 13, and the percentage max health damage on his E was lowered, capping out at seven percent instead of eight.

Taric's E bonus armor was increased from 30 to 50 percent, and it's a damage was reduced at all levels, capping at 250 instead of 285. His R cooldown was increased by 20 seconds at each level.

Tristana had her E damage lowered marginally, Twitch's ultimate was slightly buffed in the bonus AD it gives, Vayne got her true damage lowered, and Xayah had the changes on her Q and E reverted.

Fizz has the most notable changes, including a reworked to his W skill, which won't be available when Patch 8.13 goes live. The new W has a two part cast, dealing more damage to lower health enemies when activated on the second time. The mana refunded from this skill has been lowered, but can be applied for each hit. The cooldown reduction when killing a unit with W has been removed.

For the marksman, Jinx's Zap! (W) received an AD ratio increase from 140 percent to 160 percent. Kalista has tentative increased AD ratios on her spear damage, but that is not finalized. Lucian's AD per level was lowered from 3.11 to 2.71. His R, The Culling, also has lowered minion damage, from 400 percent to 200 percent.

In the mid lane, Kassadin received an increase in AP ratio from 70 percent to 80 percent for his E, Force Pulse. Oriana's Command: Dissonance (W) had its cooldown lowered from nine seconds to seven seconds. Her E, Command Protect, had its AP ratio reverted back from 40 percent to 30 percent. Zoe has her W, Spell Thief AP lowered from 75% to 65% and the movement speed reverted.

Riven saw an HP regen increase from 1.1 to 1.4 and her R, Blade of the Exile having a lower cooldown and reverted extra AD. Singed has his ultimate, Insanity Potion stats lowered. Vladimir's HP per level and base HP reverted. Vlad's E, Tides of Blood has it's max AP lowered from 100% to 80%.

New skins darius, garen.
New icons.
New missions.

RE: Patch 8.13 Changes [Details]

Junior Member
24-06-2018, 11:07 PM
waiting for the new skins, and finally an aatrox rework <3

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