You can use any paid versions of-course. You can use Nulled to, but later down the track just buy a paid version. If you get picked up for a nulled copy, they will just make you buy it.
XF1bob Wrote: You can use any paid versions of-course. You can use Nulled to, but later down the track just buy a paid version. If you get picked up for a nulled copy, they will just make you buy it.
not exactly, xenforo is not that muchharder to null when comparing ips or others. Both nulled and paid versions of xenforo are same only problem no support from so can use xenforo nulled without any problem if you know how to use it.
For the most part, you will be fine, there really isn't much anyone can do. but if you are worried then just start saving up to buy it. That's what I plan on doing.