The Lounge

Reccomended addons for darkrp server?

Submitted by fraidz, , Thread ID: 95414

Thread Closed
14-07-2018, 06:30 AM
Which addons do you think are necessaryor can add alot to a darkrp server?

RE: Reccomended addons for darkrp server?

All I can think of, and that is from a very personal point of view:
  • Menus (F4 and F1 menus mostly),
  • Printers,
  • Door 2D3D display,
  • Customs jobs with actual interactions (I like the Meth cook for example),
  • and this one is probably quite underrated but WIRE! You can accomplish so many things with it!

RE: Reccomended addons for darkrp server?

Moneyprinter, Bank, Meth cooking, custom jobs, evtl. an oil addon

RE: Reccomended addons for darkrp server?

Printers, DarkRP Modifiaction, ULX, Logging System. Something that allows lots of customization.

RE: Reccomended addons for darkrp server?

Inventory pick up, tcb printers, SCARS, and m9k weaponary pack, or fas2

RE: Reccomended addons for darkrp server?

You need a loading screen is really important like the (Sleek load 2) BUT PLEASE NO MUSIC ON LOADING OMG

RE: Reccomended addons for darkrp server?

Loading screen is important but can get expensive. So here is free option If you aim for serious RP try: /IT Command, /ME Command and Enhanced Damage. GMod legs are also cool.

RE: Reccomended addons for darkrp server?

things like anti prop kill, gangs and stuff like that helps people enjoy the server more and play with their friends

RE: Reccomended addons for darkrp server?

VCmod and mk9 i use thes for my dark rp server and players like it

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