
Sectional Staff Recruitment

Submitted by Aoki, , Thread ID: 110165

Thread Closed
16-12-2018, 11:58 PM
Hello there,

We're looking for sectional moderators in the following sections:
  • Other Discussions (including sub-sections)

  • Upgraded membership
  • Active every day
  • Personal input on how you would improve the sections

What you'd be doing:
  • Managing the sections, moving threads, deleting spam and low quality posts etc
  • Improving the overall quality of sections with your personal input

What you get:
  • Extra swag with a postbit background and second usertitle
  • Moderator tools
  • maybe depressions

Application format:

[b]My timezone:[/b] TEXT
[b]Time spent online a day:[/b] TEXT
[b]Why me:[/b] TEXT
[b]How I would improve the overall quality of the section:[/b] TEXT

[i]By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.[/i]

Only post your applications below, no general discusson or personal input needed. Doing so will earn you a nice warning level.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

$ cat /etc/passwd
Expert in Security
17-12-2018, 12:10 AM
My timezone: GMT+03:00
Time spent online a day: 6 hours. Sometimes more...
Why me: I usually deal with security and penetration. I like to contribute to the forum. I accept order and order as pleasure. And I respect. I have no respect for a dictator, but I respect the rules, and I will provide order. I do whatever I can to make my environment better. You already know that.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I can start with editing shared topics. Subject posting is very important. But not only to win credits, but to raise awareness among forum members and followers, it is necessary to share the issue within the framework of a specific order. I tell you the importance of this. I believe I can do this. And,And I'm sure he's going to exhaust me and get depressed sometimes, as he says, Aoki . But I can handle it. I like to manage and harmonize in order. Everyone loves this. And they will ...

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.
[Image: e72398fe92beda2aa80d0329e8b9f4febece7568.gif]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

My life is a meme?! (Not clickbait)
17-12-2018, 12:45 AM
My timezone: UTC + 1
Time spent online a day: Around 5 minutes.
Why me: Im mixed and I think giving minorities roles would be great publicity.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: Not sure.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Dog Man
On Sum Shit
17-12-2018, 12:53 AM
My timezone: EST
Time spent online a day: an hour to and hour and 30
Why me: Well i really enjo this form and would like to help it and to moderated
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I would rid the section of all those who attempt to mess with it

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.
Life Is More Happy With Dogs

~Dog Man

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Hestia Familia
17-12-2018, 02:24 AM
This post was last modified: 17-12-2018, 03:41 AM by Lakeey
My timezone: CST
Time spent online a day: 10 Hours, I always have this site opened on my second monitor so I can easily view the forums.
Why me: The reason why I should be chosen Section Moderator is because I've been part of Nulled for almost two years now and I would love to help out more than just provided resources for the community but help out in different sections to improve them and help settle problems that could enhance the users' experience on the website. I enjoy helping out websites or game servers even if it's Moderation or Administration activities I enjoy it as a whole. I applied last time but I wasn't one the ones to get accepted and I hope this time I've stood out and I can show that I'm worthy to become a Section Moderator on NulledBB. I feel like I've been dedicated did my part for the community and actively talking to players.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I would be actively lurking around the website checking for any players that breaking our guidelines/rules. Depending on what section I'm moderating I will make sure people are following those rules as well with the general rules of the forums. I could keep this site cleaner within the section I can moderate and let everyone have a peaceful stay at NulledBB. I think I could help improve the HQ section of the community by getting rid of leechers to make the site seem better and have our leechers to a minimal.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.
[Image: T9B2tgy.png]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

married to cute
Local Wolfgirl
17-12-2018, 03:01 AM
My timezone: UTC -2.
Time spent online a day: 8 to 10 hours. Really depends on when I wake up or what I'm doing, but generally it's guaranteed that I will be online and lurking around on Nulled for at least 4-5 hours.
Why me: I believe I'm qualified for this job because of various reasons, the first one being that I'm actually fair when it comes to handling users - just how a staff should be. I'm not one to have bias towards people when carrying out staff duties, nor am I excessively strict with their execution; in this aspect, I like to think my way of working as balanced and relaxing for both myself and the users. An example is how I've always handled the internal group (Vixen) issues related to keeping order, both on Nulled and on my Discord server - when it was at its peak I always strived to keep it free of any drama and rule-breakers, with the same effort to this day even when it's not as active as before. I also have a lot of free time in my hands to dedicate on Nulled, which means I'm not exactly limited to only moderating a specific sub-forum - if there's any need for help in any of the other sections or anything really, I'll always be up for it as I love to help with what I can when it's needed. Concluding, I believe I would be a great asset to the Nulled team if accepted - I'm sure I will be able to go above and beyond to make the forum and the sections I get chosen to moderate a better place, be it keeping the environment clean of rule-breaking content or by just being chill and keeping everyone's morale up while carrying out my tasks.
How I would improve the overall quality of the section: There's a lot that can be done to improve quality of the Other Discussions sector and its subforums. There are no 'official' guidelines to anything inside any of them (apart from the general rules) nor places they should be shown to people who desire to post there (such as stickies or frequent staff posting as reminders), as well as close to zero QA on the things that are posted. There's also a lack of activity on them, since most of its content gets posted on the lounges where you can talk about anything. Based on what we can see is lacking, I would improve the section's quality by first making sure there are clear guidelines for people to follow. This is especially important due to most people not reading the general rules (thinking they're common sense) and just straight out posting bullshit without knowing whether it is allowed or not (especially with leechers), as well as not knowing what or how to actually post properly - this way, it would help minimizing the amount of LQ posts in the sections, helping new users and making it easier for staff to filter out the ones who still insist in breaking the rules. Second, the people who get chosen to watch over the sections need to be active in the sections they've been assigned to moderate, posting frequently and making sure to let people know what they're doing wrong - again minimizing and preventing the amount of LQ posts by being active and keeping order when around. Lastly, I would try to get these sectors active again by creating activities that attract people, with collab from other active users. This could be achieved with monthly/weekly events that reward people based on how much they post in the section, public pots where people donate credits to give them out for helping with tasks (such as most reports, etc) or giveaways involving things related to the content posted, while also keeping their quality in a good spot.

Thanks for reading my application!

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it. (Note: I don't get depressed this easily :awoo:.)

[Image: wJF4V6p.png]

[Image: TpUwOtZ.png]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Captain of Pirates
Ice Cream God
17-12-2018, 03:35 AM
My timezone:
Time zone abbreviation:CST
Time zone name:Central Time
Time offset:UTC/GMT-06:00

Time spent online a day:
I spend a total of maybe about 2-3 hours a day (before the Christmas event). I log into Nulled every day to check notifications, manage my group, take a look at the graphics section, make a post here or there. I'm also very involved in writers and Nullus, so there's some more mandatory activity. I always find time to commit to Nulled and get involved in one way or another.

Why me:
I am very committed and loyal to Nulled and its growth, and have been for years. When it comes down to bringing order, I am neutral. I don't take actions based on feelings or bias, and have a black & white approach for handling things. If something is wrong, it is wrong. No ands, ifs, or buts. I have great respect for the moderation team in their efforts to help users and clean Nulled. It would be an honor and pleasure to be a helping hand to the Nulled moderation team.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:
My daily routine in how I approach Nulled would change. My first priority would be to scout and interact in other discussions. Other discussions, the way I see it, is like an "underground lounge". The posts, in this section especially, must be tracked and handled accordingly as it can be a nest for potential members trying to take advantage of posts and credits. However, moderation is only half the battle. My online activity will play a big role as well.

Thank you for your time Aoki.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.
[Image: zzmObkB.gif]
[Image: giphy.gif]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

we will wait for this
17-12-2018, 03:38 AM
This post was last modified: 17-12-2018, 03:42 AM by Zenith
My timezone: United States Eastern Time

Time spent online a day: Don't really know specifically. Even when I'm not posting, I have nbb as my main tab for Chrome on my phone. I check it around 50 times a day on there when I go on Chrome, be it for a few seconds, or to spam posts. I guess if I have to give a number I would say around 5 hours a day. But that number has been rising since I have found more time to be able to post, and been more interested in posting.

Why me: I understand you're probably thinking that me being any sort of moderator is somewhat of a meme due to me being outspoken about my opinions, and the past relationships that I have had with toxicity. Although I can't say that I will act differently, I can say that I have always been fair and collected when it comes to actual rules and consequences. When given a certain responsibility, I have never unfairly punished anybody because I had a personal disdain towards them.
I would also like to bring up the past experiences that I have had with leadership. Let's start it off with the website that I was a moderator on for a good couple of months before leaving because of the constant toxicity and attempts to harm other users (including me.) Even though that toxic behavior was the focal point of the community, I was able to still keep a fair and level head, and people from that site (who grew out of that behavior) still come to me and tell me how fair of a moderator I was there, and how they now agree with the reasons why I left. When it comes to moderation I have become a known moderator in discords and even a server administrator for a Youtuber's Team Fortress 2 server. I have to make sure the server stays stable and troubleshoot issues when they arise. I have to do that while still managing reports from members saying that "this guy is cheating", or "this guy is bming." and have to make a decision whether it's fair to take action on that user. I have also been chosen to manage at a private pool job that I work at where I hire people, make hours, keep schedules, make sure everything goes smoothly between both workers and residents, and check chemical levels so nobody dies from jumping in a pool. Although somewhat stressful at times, I have loved the responsibility of doing it, and have been told by my boss that I have been the most organized, well-mannered manager that he has ever had.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I believe the Other Discussions sub-forum is a broad term, and it's a place where people post if they aren't sure which sub-forum to post in. This ends up becoming a place where people post even though there could possibly be a specific sub for it. I will hopefully be the person to notify them that there is, in fact, a sub for those specific threads. This, and the fact that the subforums inside of Other Discussions end up having a lot of people unnecessarily posting because "it could be a place that goes less checked than the lounge/leak sections." It ends up becoming a place of, not only spam, but people posting on month old threads that don't need any further discussions. This sub-forum is able to be a great place to discuss certain subjects, but as of now, isn't it.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

[Image: Yp8ZHSk.gif]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

17-12-2018, 05:00 AM
This post was last modified: 17-12-2018, 05:43 AM by Kyoko
My timezone:EST
Time spent online a day:Depends overall lately have been busy but I have taken the time out of my life to dedicate it to Nulled again

Why me:Well me being first off a leader of a group Nullus specifically (which can be applied to this), and having overall experience on the forum knowing the staff and admins I think I am fit for the position. I've been in a majority of groups on the forum too so that is a plus.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:I am not going to go into depth in my application I am going to be basic but will make sure to touch the points that matter here. I would first off junk any of the left over stuff that wasn't touched by past section mods or wasn't touched in general, secondly I will make sure to keep a tab on the section I am covering always making sure to reload my page (since I can do that on my phone) this allows me to see the section and moderate when needed. Third I will make sure to interact as much as I can in that section and answer questions pertaining to that section rule wise. I wish all other applicants luck, and I hope to make Nulled a better place even if I don't get the position! Thanks for reading my app.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.
[Image: tumblr_okvfwkEVqN1rztjsno1_500.png]

RE: Sectional Staff Recruitment

Veni, vidi, vici
17-12-2018, 12:19 PM
My timezone:

UTC +01:00

Time spent online a day:

Honestly, this depends on whether the activity is high or low. When it's high my online time will be much higher because there's more reason to keep up every few minutes. If there's a quite low userbase online at that time, I check less because the chance someone replies or quotes me is reasonably small. When we're talking about high activity, I can at least be a few hours online each day; this would range from day to day, sometimes longer and occasionally a bit shorter. To give you a timeframe, 3-6 hours is more than reasonable.

Why me:

I'm not your friendliest user, nor do we have the loveliest past. Indeed, we've had bumpy experiences over the years. There were instances where I was wrong, and instances vice-versa. But always, and I mean ever, we came to a solution and moved on. I've contributed a lot to Nulled, and this includes giveaways, donations, as well as guides and tutorials. I run a user group, mostly by myself as well as Trinity, even though I am not the owner, just a leader. To new users, I have a friendly attitude, but also to experienced and more knowledgeable users I can find it with them very well. All in all, I won't be your most loving section mod, but I will be the full honest and welcoming section mod.

How I would improve the overall quality of the section:

How I would improve the overall quality of the section: I'm not going rogue on warnings in my first week, I'll be analyzing the general activity, the more active, and less active sections and base my final plan of action on it. I'll check whether or not threads are following a pattern, if threads are generally speaking shorter or longer, and if they contain a lot of discussing the activity. If they are, in general: shorter threads. I might make up some sort of small guidelines threads could follow in order to maintain a certain quality level. Consistency is vital, so allowing myself to post more often there as well hopefully increases the section's reputation.

By submitting this application, I confirm that I might suffer from depression after doing this for a while and won't make Fuhrer Aoki responsible for it.

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