For those who dont knowscene groups are an underground community or communities that crack and distribute all kind ofcopyrighted materials, like games, movies, ebooks, porn etc... The people on top, at least in the gaming community, dont do it for the money or the people. They are in for the challenge andthey want no ones money from their work, these peoplehave normal lives and normal jobs.The games they crack are bought by they own hard earned money. All of their work has a big impact on the real world even though its just a hobby for them.
If my english is shit, thats because its not my native language.
I'm not sure, are you talking about RIP/Nulled Stuff? if yes, people whos sharing nulled scripts & porn must get an honor bar for being so kind and make it easy for people! per exmpl: Deezer, Free account will give you 6 times to skip the song every 60m, also after every song you have to hear the ad! and the modded version give you access to the premium options for free! not all people can pay to hear music ^^' couple things must be free..
v4hl Wrote: I'm not sure, are you talking about RIP/Nulled Stuff? if yes, people whos sharing nulled scripts & porn must get an honor bar for being so kind and make it easy for people! per exmpl: Deezer, Free account will give you 6 times to skip the song every 60m, also after every song you have to hear the ad! and the modded version give you access to the premium options for free! not all people can pay to hear music ^^' couple things must be free..
No, im talking about people who crack games, if you ever download a paid game for free from some random website, behind that these is a person, or a group of peoplewho spent theirown money to first;buy the game and then (depends on the game) a lot of time to break that games protection(you cant play a game even if you get all it files, the protection need to be broken first). All of this without making a cent. Same thing as some other copyrighted materials.
I applaud them for the spirit, time, and knowledge they put into cracking these items. It is kind of like solving a puzzle. They do it for free because it is illegal, unless hired by the company to crack their games, software, etc.