Garry's Mod Leaks
Spectator Admin Panel [LATEST]
Submitted by anyn, 20-09-2017, 01:44 AM, Thread ID: 47649
Thread Closed
What is this?
This is a simple menu, not bound to any admin mods, which users can bring up by typing !sap, or another command if they wish so. The purpose of this is for when you are dead and want to quickly perform commands on the player you are spectating. Each command comes with a permissions table, for what buttons users should see, meaning admins can have commands to help with the server, while guests are left with simple things. This will be useful in gamemodes like TTT and comes with a hopefully appealing design.
How does this work?
Each plugin follows a similar structure; give it a unique name so it can be identified then use a function named CallFunction(ply, spectating_ply) to decide what should occur when the button it's attached to on the menu is pressed. You can also specify whether or not the function should be ran clientside or serverside.
Default plugins:
Kill - Kills the player you're spectating.
(Un)Snail- Toggles the player's speed between normal and 1/6th.
Get SteamID - Copies the player's SteamID to your computer clipboard.
Open Profile - Opens the player's profile in your Steam browser
Max Health - Resets the player's health to max.
Kill on Spawn - Next time the player spawns, they will be killed (or on round start if TTT)
(Un)freeze - Toggles whether or not the player is frozen.
Force Spectator - Forces the player onto TEAM_SPECTATOR ( or TEAM_SPEC if TTT)
...If there's any more you would like added, don't hesitate to ask!
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