Hi! I want to start cracking but I don't know how! I have downloaded the account checkers made by our lord and saviour X-SLAYER, I got some combos (~40K), put them in the account checker of my choice and pressed "Start". The problem is that I got nothing, all the emails were bad. So I've got a few questions: 1. What do configs do? 2. What do proxies do and should I use them? 3. What is the difference between HTML/HTTPS, socks4 and socks5 proxies? 4. Should I update my combos and proxies every day?
Hey whats up man Im fairly new myself but slowly learning so welcome and good luck on your journey Im still on my journey. I can say that a config is basically a file for programs such as sentry Mba where you open the file in the program and use it to crack accounts on whatever site your config is for. As far as checkers they are basically a program someone made specifically for the type of accounts your trying to get for instance X-Slayer steam checker is for getting steam accounts etc.. proxies are for when IP gets banned by the site that your trying to crack account for so if you have like 300 proxies it helps so you can keep on checking accounts where if for instance you had 1 proxy and it got banned then the checker will stop trying somone correct me if Im wrong please because I do know there are proxyless checkers out there as I said im still learning myself. As far as combos and proxies you will always need to update them really if they are not working for you, and if you are getting your combos Public then the chances of you getting hits are 50/50 where if they are private your chances are better because not everyone is using the same combo. So another words if you made your own combos they would be more private and you can probably get more hits. Thats the learning curve im in right now is trying to make good dorks to make good combos for sqli. Hope I was of some help if anyone needs to correct anything I said thats wrong please correct me because im still learning myself. Good Luck
Same here. Just starting with my journey. Even though I can see it will take years to master all of this stuff, it's too exciting to just leave and let others play without you :D