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The Tower

Submitted by SirRemorse, , Thread ID: 59136

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Professional Googler
06-11-2017, 01:57 PM
This post was last modified: 06-11-2017, 01:57 PM by SirRemorse
[Image: header_halloween_contest.png]
The Last Tower

A cold sharp dagger of icy wind blows across here brow.When she opens her eyes her focus is unsteady, and disorientatedit shifts in and out, giving her brief glimpses of a horrible dark clouded world, framed by the broken, circular wall of an aging tower, now roofless and crumbling into small pieces of ruin. She carefully manages tostand and assert her presence. Shelooks around herself. Apart from a lone door and the stone slab shed been lain on the tower is completely bare, no windows or stairs rising up to the heights of the tower. It smells of mold and the floor and walls are ridden with green moss, wet and slimy.It seems as though this towers only purpose is for her to wake upon it with no memory of how she came to be there. Stepping out through the doorway she finds herself looking out over a wasteland no greenery and not a person in sight, just the barely visible horizon of a dark red sun.barely meters from the door the foundations of the tower drop away to a sheer cliff face that as she follows it leads all the way round. Out in the expanse of the wasteland there is nothing but a dark endless tangle of savage thorns swaying ever so slightly in the never ceasing breeze. She turns back to the tower and sees an inscription on the side of her sleeping slab where she had laid and woke to nobody and nothing within sight: ?One hundred years have come and gone, Sleeping Beauty has no prince, may she never wake.
Tryin'a learn shit one day at a time

Discord: .remorse

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