Themes, Templates and Scripts

ThemeForest Flatsome 3.3.2 Responsive WooCommerce Theme

Submitted by S2Q, , Thread ID: 32108

Thread Closed
08-04-2017, 06:25 AM
[Image: themeforest-poster.__large_preview.png][img][/img]

Flatsome Overview
  • FreeLifetime updates!

  • WordPress 4.4+ Ready

  • WooCommerce 2.4, 2.5, 2.6+Ready

  • WPML Ready (.po files included)

  • SEO Optimised

  • Drag and DropPage Builder

  • Online Documentation

  • Supports Chrome, Safari, Firefox, IE8+

  • Catalog ModeOption (Hide cart and checkout functionality)

  • Easy Updates using Envato WordPress Toolkit

  • Child Theme included

  • Demo contentincluded!

  • PSD files and assets included
* Product images or images used in sliders and banner examples arenot includedin this theme
[Image: 687474703a2f2f666c6174736f6d65332e757874...763d322e32]
--- 3.3.2 (07.04.17) --
FIXED: Various translation strings in WooCommerce 3.0 did not work.
FIXED: Outdated Template files for WooCommerce 3.0.1.
FIXED: Disable image click if Product Lightbox is disabled.
FIXED: Lightbox / Next prev nav arrow styling.
FIXED: Outdated template files for Flatsome 2x. (2.9.8)

--- 3.3.1 (05.04.17) ---
FIXED: Product Zoom for Vertical Image Gallery.
FIXED: Various bugs with Product Element.
FIXED: Various JS problems with WC 3.0.
FIXED: Bugs with percentage sale bubble style.
FIXED: Missing WooCommerce translations.

--- 3.3 --- (04.04.17)
NEW: Full Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.0.
NEW: New Checkout Style (Simple Style).
NEW: New Image Lightbox for Product Pages (WooCommerce 3.0 lightbox with touch support).
NEW: Option to add Top and Bottom Content to Shop Taxonomy Category pages and Tags.
NEW: Global Text Transform control for Buttons, Section Titles and Widget Titles. (Style > Typography).
NEW: Option to set Logo Max Width.
NEW: Option to change width and change color on Titles.
NEW: Add links to Icon Boxes.
NEW: Full width toggle for UX Builder.
NEW: Product videos can Now be inserted into a new product tab.
NEW: Option to Save as Draft in UX Builder.
NEW: Hungarian language added.

CHANGED: All WooCommerce Microdata (Rich snippets) is moved out from template files to JSON-LD.This is a better way to handle Microdata and is how WooCommerce 3.0 does it.
CHANGED: Updated Instagram icon to the new logo.

FIXED: UX Builder - Better compatibility with many plugins.
FIXED: Password strenght meter in Login Lightbox.
FIXED: Duplicated Share icons on product page.
FIXED: Better translation control for plurals in Countdown Element.
FIXED: Team members got a "p" in front in UX Builder.
FIXED: Quantity + - now works with various plugins that update it with Ajax.
FIXED: Bugs with Ajax Search and SKU.
FIXED: Border Hover Effects on Section now works.
FIXED: Improved My Account Orders View for Mobile.
FIXED: Pages now shows in search results.
FIXED: Problems with My Account links.
FIXED: Finished Countdown now displays correctly.
FIXED: Hidden products was visible in Product Element.
FIXED: Drop Shadow (Depth) on Hover on columns now works.
FIXED: Toggle arrow in UX Builder sidebar now works.
FIXED: Video fallback image is now hidden on Desktop.
FIXED: Author links did not work on featured blog post style.
FIXED: Links in Image Boxes was messing up the layout.
FIXED: Paginated Shop pages when header is transparent.
FIXED: Bottom content in mobile & tablet header is now centered.
FIXED: Category header for Product Tags and Custom Taxonomy.
FIXED: Problems with animations in Firefox.
FIXED: Centered Top Bar Content is now correctly centered.
FIXED: Ordered OL lists style.
FIXED: Improved Thank you page layout
FIXED: Disabling Footer per. page now works.
FIXED: Equal height rows in Safari.
FIXED: Stars on Testimonials visible without WooCommerce active.
FIXED: Continue Shopping button visible for Mobile screens.
FIXED: Better styling on Grouped products Qty and price.
FIXED: Various CSS layout issues.

--- 3.2.5 ---
** Maintenance Update **

NEW: Option to set Visibility to hidden to temporary disable elements in UX Builder.
NEW: Option to Lazy Load Flatsome Icons (Fixes the "data:application/x-font-ttfAAAAAwAAAAAAAAAAAAA" optimize error from Pingdom)
NEW: Product List element added to UX Builder (Same style as Product Widgets.)

FIXED: Various PHP 7+ error notices.
FIXED: Possible to translate "Be the first to review..."
FIXED: Lists in texts had wrong align.
FIXED: My Account Dashboard links now looks better on mobile.
FIXED: Remove link from Logo element if no link is set.
FIXED: Better alignment of Language dropdown flags.
FIXED: Dropdown content size did not work on front-end.
FIXED: Google Rich Snippets on Product Page.
FIXED: Sale badge for Grouped products now gets "Sale" text.
FIXED: Login popup from lost-password page.
FIXED: Option to not open cart after product is added to cart now works.

Changed: Made it easier to override many of functions inside /inc folder in a Child Theme.
Changed: Back to Top button moved to template file (template-parts/footer/back-to-top.php)
Changed: Category filter button moved to template file (woocommerce/loop/filter-button.php)
Changed: Product page filter button moved to template file (woocommerce/single-product/filter-button.php)
Changed: Continue Shopping button moved to template file (woocommerce/cart/continue-shopping.php)
Changed: product-searchform.php moved into "woocommerce" folder.
Changed: Moved Flatsome Icons css to assets/css/fl-icons.css

--- 3.2.2 (06.12.16) ---
FIXED: Cleaner Customizer for WordPress 4.7

--- 3.2.1 (05.12.16) ---
FIXED: Product image glitch on Android devices.
FIXED: Theme Options in Child Themes did not open.
FIXED: Difficult to slide products on touch devices.
FIXED: Quick View did not work with WP Rocket.

--- 3.2 (02.12.16) ---
NEW: Navigation Element. Create sub navigation etc.
NEW: Page header element. Create beautiful page titles for pages.
NEW: Option to remove dropdown arrow.
NEW: Option to change dropdown border radius.
NEW: Option to disable "Next/Prev" navigation on product page.
NEW: Option to change dropdown content size.
NEW: Option to set "Flat" form style on product add to cart.
NEW: Search products by SKU in live search.
NEW: Option to set custom Search placeholder text.
NEW: Custom Sticky Logo padding option.
NEW: Auto slide option added to products, and post elements.
NEW: Hebrew translation added.
NEW: Option to add a Site loader when opening a site.
NEW: Get Products by Tag.

BUILDER: Improved Visibility options.
BUILDER: Visibility options added to Banners.
BUILDER: Various styling issues.
BUILDER: Various options improvements.
BUILDER: Compatibility with WordPress 4.7.

FIXED: Off-canvas filter button was visible even without a sidebar.
FIXED: Infinitive spinning on WooCommerce default lightbox.
FIXED: Enable / Disable looping on Video Backgrounds now works.
FIXED: % Sale bubble now works for Affiliate(external) products.
FIXED: Problems with Share icons and lightbox.
FIXED: Various RTL layout issues.
FIXED: Selecting custom products now works in Product Flip element.
FIXED: YouTube Follow link opened in lightbox.
FIXED: Coupon field went missing in checkout if coupon was invalid.
FIXED: Custom cart icon in IE11.
FIXED: Various CSS improvements.
FIXED: Improved loading spinner on ContactForm7 forms.
FIXED: Slider nav position for Pages and Portfolio.
FIXED: Yith Infinitive Scroll + Quick View now works.
FIXED: Possible to translate "Login with Google" and "Login with Facebook".
FIXED: Bugs with Shortcodes inside Image Box element.

Changed: Made the Dropdown faster and smoother.
Changed: Include pages and blog posts in search result by default.

--- 3.1.6 (04.10.16) ---
FIXED: Bugs with grids and images in IE versions.
FIXED: Problems changing product variations on some iOS versions.
FIXED: Bugs with Visual Composer and .row classes.
FIXED: Customizer now requires less memory.
FIXED: Improved security in UX Builder.
FIXED: Bugs with Countdown styling.
FIXED: Bugs with Portfolio list.
FIXED: Better compatibility with WP Rocket.
FIXED: Various mobile styling issues.
FIXED: Option to disable Flatsome 2.0 content fallback. (Better speed). Disable in Advanced > Global Settings.

--- 3.1.5 (28.09.16) ---
UX BUILDER: Changed style on discard and apply button to prevent confusion with save.
UX BUILDER: Improved Media upload options.
UX BUILDER: Option to Copy and Paste styles from an element to an other.
UX BUILDER: Improved speed.

FIXED: Saving Advanced options sometimes did not work.
FIXED: Improved live search. You can now also use the live search without WooCommerce.
FIXED: Possible to scroll product pages if zoom was enabled.
FIXED: Better styling of mobile off-canvas sidebar for product page.
FIXED: Possible to select category on Portfolio element.
FIXED: Product Zoom if only one image.
FIXED: Google share wishlist icon.
FIXED: H1 Headlines added to default page template. (Disable in Theme Options > Pages)
FIXED: Problems with Ultimate Member plugin.
FIXED: Various CSS bugs.

NEW: YouTube added to Team member.
NEW: New hooks - flatsome_before_breadcrumb, flatsome_after_breadcrumb.

--- (27.09.16) ---
FIXED: Bugs when saving Theme Options.
FIXED: More speed improvements.

--- 3.1.4 (27.09.16) ---
FIXED: Lazy loading on IE10/IE11.
FIXED: Custom CSS Theme Options went missing in Chrome when making changes or change screen mode.
FIXED: Image position bug.
FIXED: Speed improvements.

--- 3.1.3 ---
FIXED: Titles went missing.
FIXED: Google fonts sometimes was not loading.
FIXED: Bugs with ampersand (&) in Button links.
FIXED: Filters and breadcrumbs if Shop page has custom header.
FIXED: Builder filters for fixing old content was missing.
FIXED: Menu labels now works without WooCommerce plugin.
FIXED: Some strings added to translations. (Click Sync in Loco translate).
FIXED: Custom content before and after products added back.
FIXED: Gallery now shows correct ordering.
FIXED: Various CSS problems.

NEW: French translation added.
NEW: Option to add divider to a column element (For creating sidebar columns etc).

--- 3.1 ---
NEW: Option to change mobile logo position (Left or Center).
NEW: Option to change spacing between header menu elements.
NEW: Option to replace newsletter popup with a block.
NEW: Widget Area (Sidebars) added to UX Builder.
NEW: Better UberMenu support. Add full width UberMenu.
NEW: Spanish and Danish languages added.
NEW: Option to enable / disable lazy loading of Google fonts.

Changed: Advanced > Optimization is now called "Lazy loading".

FIXED: Target now works on Buttons.
FIXED: Changing variation images sometimes did not work.
FIXED: Possible to add class to grid columns.
FIXED: Improved Mobile Cart layout.
FIXED: Wishlist icon for iPad horizontal.
FIXED: Various CSS layout bugs.
FIXED: Rotate Text box now works.
FIXED: Follow icons in footer.

--- 3.0.30 (16.09.16) ---
NEW: Single Page Navigation templates (Use together with Scroll To Shortcode).
NEW: Option to remove Portfolio completely.
NEW: Search documentation live from Flatsome > Help & Guides.
NEW: Option to remove purchase code (Just remove code and click update).
NEW: Option to set Column background colors from Row element.
NEW: Option to set Lowercase on buttons.
NEW: Option to expand buttons.
NEW: Option to set base font size for desktop and mobile.

FIXED: Compatibility with YITH Infinitive scroll.
FIXED: Custom Ids for portfolio element now works.
FIXED: Possible to edit Portfolio and Product pages with UX Builder added back.
FIXED: Option to disable bullets for Scroll To shortcode.
FIXED: Possible to add comments to pages.
FIXED: Possible to link to Tabs with http:/
FIXED: LinkedIn was missing from Follow icons options.
FIXED: Custom Mobile menu now works.
FIXED: Improved security some places.
FIXED: Global border radius for some buttons did not work.
FIXED: Possible to remove elements from wishlist.
FIXED: Various bugs.

--- 3.0.29 --- (14.09.16)
FIXED: Possible to disable post and pages in search results.
FIXED: Option to disable live search.
FIXED: Theme now requires less memory.
FIXED: Possible to translate "Zoom".
FIXED: Tabbed content on safari.
FIXED: Bugs with empty background images.
FIXED: Various IE10 & IE11 bugs.
FIXED: Add to cart button now gets checkout color.
FIXED: Various UX Builder improvements.
FIXED: Shortcodes allowed in Footer Right text.
FIXED: Wishlist icon for mobile.
FIXED: Coupon layout on mobile.
FIXED: Zoom correct image on product variations.
FIXED: Targets for Image and Logo element.
FIXED: Force first position on mobile.
FIXED: Global disable reviews
Changed: "Post and pages" search results moved to bottom.

--- 3.0.28 --- (08.09.16)
FIXED: Render the secondary footer only if it has any content.
FIXED: Google Maps in UX Builder on SSL.
FIXED: Google Maps content width did not work.
FIXED: Bugs with saving images in customizer.
FIXED: Added Sensei page wrappers.
FIXED: Footer content on category pages was missing.

--- 3.0.27 (07.09.16) ---
FIXED: Dropdowns on iPad.
FIXED: Scroll arrows on mobile row sliders.
FIXED: Various CSS bugs.
NEW: Custom CSS also added to Advanced.
NEW: Option to set preset upon installation.

--- 3.0.24 (06.09.16) ---
FIXED: Infinitive page reloading.
FIXED: Checkout design improvements.
FIXED: 500px icon in header.
FIXED: Updated demo content.
FIXED: Old content wrapped in [row] was hidden.

--- 3.0.23 (06.09.16) ---

NEW: Created our own minimal Flatsome CSS Framework.
NEW: Completely re-written theme. Over 50% smaller CSS file, but tons of new features.
NEW: New incredible Front-End Page Builder. (UX Page Builder).
NEW: New Option Panel using Customizer. Preview changes live.
NEW: Live Drag and Drop Header Builder.
NEW: Change sticky header for Header Top, Header Main or Header bottom.
NEW: Show header Cart in Off-Canvas or Dropdown.
NEW: Open Header Login in a Lightbox for quick login.
NEW: New Header element: Contact. Add Email and Phone number to header easily.
NEW: Added Category dropdown to Search Box.
NEW: Built-in Live Search (You can disable YITH Live search if you want).
NEW: New Search Box Styles. / Outline
NEW: Add Icons to buttons that can be visible all the time or reveal on hover.
NEW: Option to set custom Transparent Header Height and Mobile Header Height.
NEW: Option to set custom Transparent Header background color.
NEW: Add drop shadow to Columns, Buttons and Images.
NEW: Possible to add slogan under logo.
NEW: Option to change global site width.
NEW: Section Dividers. (Arrow, Angled and Fade Out).
NEW: Added 'Scroll for more'-arrow option for Sliders, Banners and Sections.
NEW: Shrink and fade sticky style.
NEW: Built in Language dropdown for WPML and Polylang.
NEW: Change position of Product Up-sells (Sidebar, Below description, disabled)
NEW: Options to Have full Width / Container header.
NEW: Option to set Up-sells in sidebar or below description.
NEW: New ways to display Account and Cart in header.
NEW: Make Account or search visible for mobile view.
NEW: Option to add Thumbnails to Blog Post Widget.
NEW: New Page Template. Show header on scroll.
NEW: Option to always show slider arrows (Not only on hover).
NEW: Add radius to buttons. [button radius="10px"]
NEW: Google Fonts are now loaded with JS (Faster Page Loading).
NEW: Updated to Flickity 2.0 on all sliders.
NEW: Added parallax option to Slider.
NEW: Added Height option to newsletter element.
NEW: Catalog Mode products now has Variation select.
NEW: Snapchat & 500px added to Follow Icons.
NEW: Option to create Custom Maintenance page.
NEW: Header Checkout element.
NEW: Add 'Focus Point' to Banner Backgrounds.
NEW: New button styles.
NEW: New Form Style - Flat.
NEW: Page Titles Control. Add Amazing Page Titles.
NEW: New page options for footer. Simple / Transparent / Disabled.
NEW: Replace footer with a custom Block.
NEW: Option to center Absolute Footer.
NEW: Video Element. Embed responsive YouTube videos etc.
NEW: Optimisation options added to Advanced options.
NEW: Enable / Disable lazy load of banners and section backgrounds.
NEW: Added "Tutorials" tab to Flatsome Panel.
NEW: Change global default page templates. (Can be overridden pr page).
NEW: Change width of Product Image Gallery on product page.
NEW: Option to change how many product pr row on Tablets.
NEW: Option to Center content in Top Bar.
NEW: Option to set custom Sale bubble text.
NEW: Many new product image hover styles. Zoom, Zoom Fade, Blur ++.
NEW: Option to use Default WooCommerce Zoom (PrettyPhoto) instead of Flatsome Lightbox.
NEW: Option for Google+ login on Account.
NEW: Improved My Account Page Template.
NEW: Newsletter Header element.
NEW: Add Blocks to header.
NEW: Google Fonts are now loaded with JS (Faster Page Loading).
NEW: Light Absolute Footer option.
NEW: Setup Wizard for new installations.
NEW: Option to add Payment Icons to footer.
NEW: Blocks Widget added.
NEW: Added parallax option to Slider.
NEW: Count Up Number text option.
NEW: Fancy Underline text option.
NEW: Icons for Titles.
NEW: New layouts for Portfolio post type.
NEW: Possible to set custom products in Product Flip Shortcode.
NEW: Filter option for portfolio.
NEW: New layouts for blog.
NEW: Option to have different blog layout on archives.
NEW: New Hotspot element for UX Banners.
NEW: Video Icon for Images with Youtube links. Also opens video in a lightbox.
NEW: Hundres of new options for all our shortcodes. Try them out in our new page builder.
NEW: Lazy Loading of images.

Changed: Full Product templates now uses shop sidebar as default if no product sidebar widgets are empty.
Changed: Default included form plugin is now Contact Form 7, but Ninja Forms plugin is still supported.
Changed: Featured Items is now called 'Portfolio'.
Changed: Featured Box is now called Icon Box.
Changed: No more IE8 support. (But should still be accessible)

--- 2.9.6 --- (24/07/16)
NEW: German translation added.
NEW: Swedish translations added.
NEW: Possible to add Google Maps API. (Theme Options > Global settings).

FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce Files for WooCommerce 2.6.3.
FIXED: Account Menu Endpoint urls link to cart page.
FIXED: Unable to select Country/Stat dropdown on mobile.
FIXED: Scroll to top now animates correctly.
FIXED: Possible to change QTY after cart refresh.

--- -- (17.06.16)
FIXED: Outdated WooCommerce 2.6.1 files.

--- 2.9.5 --- (16.06.16)
FIXED: Various bugs with WooCommerce 2.6.
FIXED: Problems with Category Grid shortcode and WooCommerce 2.6.
FIXED: Bugs with zoom on single image products.
FIXED: Possible to use lightbox login when account is on top.
FIXED: Various CSS improvments.

--- 2.9.2 (06.05.16) ---
FIXED: Missing Transparent header templates
FIXED: Various bugs.

--- 2.9.1 (02.05.16) ---
FIXED: Bugs with minified JS and CSS.
FIXED: Missing reviews.

--- 2.9 (01.05.16) ---
FIXED: Ready for WooCommerce 2.6.

NEW: Option to disable reviews globally. (Theme Options > Product Page)
NEW: Option to add custom content before and after product pages pr. product. Can be edited in the Extra tab on product edit page.
NEW: Change Image size of Banners and Images (Original, Large, Medium, Thumbnail).
NEW: Option to open Product page sidebar in Off-canvas on small screens. (Adds a link to the top).
NEW: Added loading spinner when checkout is processing.
NEW: Option to open login as a lightbox.

CHANGED: Account dropdown and Account sidebar now uses default endpoint links. Can be disabled in Theme Options > Account.
CHANGED: 'Update Cart' buttons has been moved to below cart.

FIXED: Improved style of Coupons added to cart.
FIXED: Better Compatibility with YITH Infinitive Scroll (And other infinitive scroll plugins).
FIXED: Better compatibility with WordPress 4.5.
FIXED: Image size bugs on Product Page.
FIXED: Various translation bugs.
FIXED: Bugs with Featured Items.
FIXED: Top Bar dropdown on iPads.
FIXED: Share shortcode now works on category pages.
FIXED: Updated Theme JS Plugins to newer versions.
ADDED: 'Work Sans' Google Font.

For full change log check the Theme zip file.

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