Chameleon is a Post Processing blueprint actor for Unreal Engine 4. You will need to place only one Chameleon actor to your scene to access all of its benefits.
Chameleon currently has 48 different (and combinable) post process effects with customizable parameters directly from actors details window. This package is planned to be updated constantly with new effects and custom editor plugin for using it even more easily.
Here is a list of effects currently the package has;
Anamorphic Lens Flares (Alpha Preview) (*NEW in this update!) Frost (*NEW in this update!) Neon (*NEW in this update!) Custom Depth Highlighter (*NEW in this update!) Custom Depth Highlighter (Clip/Hidden Object Visualizer) (*NEW in this update!) Alcohol ASCII Bleach Bypass Blur Channel Clamper Channel Swapper Circles Colorize Comic Distance Fog Distance Distortion Drawing Drug Edge Detect Emboss Floating Glitch Hard Emboss Hue Panner Invert Iridescent Kuwahara LOOK! Color Grading Pack (150 LUT Files) Magic Transitions Mask Blur Monitor Effects Monochrome Mosaic Pixel Dissolve Pulse Radial Blur Scratches Screen Damage Screen Decals Screen Drops (Distortion) Screen Waves Sharpen Sonar Squares Tiles Toon Shading TV Noise Wobbly