A small scene perfect for holiday shenanigans, complete with a musical environment, warm cozy atmosphere, and even a working train!
Christmas holiday uses a spline based blueprint system to dynamically place garland and lights around your scene with the ability to control the brightness, colour, density, and emissive powers of the lights. Many of the materials such as the plaster and ribbons can be change to any colour that suit your needs.
Technical Details Features:
Blueprint spline system for lights, garland and train tracks Dynamically colourable materials such as plaster
Texture Size: 128x128 to 2048x 2048 Collision: Yes, automatically generated and custom Vertex Count: 32 to 38,000 LODs: Yes Number of Meshes: 82 Number of Materials and Material Instances: 72 Materials total, 3 master materials Number of Textures: 112 Supported Development Platforms: PC, MacOS, Linux, Xbox One, PS4, Switch Supported Target Build Platforms: PC, MacOS, Linux, Console