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[Unity Asset] 2d toolkit

Submitted by SMOLIGE, , Thread ID: 98585

Thread Closed
12-08-2018, 12:54 PM
[Image: c05bd8d1-31b5-4b92-882f-fe8e5cdc84f4.jpg]

2D Toolkit v2.5.2

2D Toolkit is a "must have" for anyone developer...his code is excellent for study...an if you already this with headache from trying to use Unity Scrolls(like me) this is the perfect tool.

o Supports both 2D and 3D phyiscs
o Improved tilemap editor
o Beginners whack-a-mole gametutorial
o Brand new UI system
o Platform specific sprite collections
o Non-rectangular and sliced sprites
o Pixel perfect rendering
o And loads more features and improvements

and for sure more kkkk

Support developer buying this if you can...this asset and ONGUI probably are responsible for Unity Android games sucess
sorry my bad english xD hehe

OBS: this asset was made in unity 5x if you are using 2017 or 2018 remember that Unity not longer support WebPlayer so you will have errors easily corrigible...few lines to delete[img=22x22][/img]

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RE: [Unity Asset] 2d toolkit

This post was last modified: 17-11-2018, 12:20 PM by XiXDev
Gif img is not working
Feelsbadman Maannnn
Please fix this dude

Please fix the Issue with these GIF Image pleeaaasseeee Feelsbadman :rangery:

RE: [Unity Asset] 2d toolkit

Thanks for your share bro !

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