PUN Multiplayer Add-On for Opsive Character Controllers
PUN Multiplayer Add-On for Opsive Character Controllers REQUIRES any of the Opsive Character Controllers ( link ) xa REQUIRES Photon PUN 2 ( link ) xaEnsure that youx27ve read the Getting Started documentation before importing. xaThe PUN Multiplayer Add-On synchronizes any of the Opsive character controllers with Photon PUN 2. Any single player character controller feature can be synchronized over the network with this add-on.xa xa Overview | Documentation | Videos | Forum | Discord xa xaThe PUN Multiplayer Add-On is not a PUN template or complete project. You are expected to script your own game logic and should be experienced with PUN scripting . This add-on allows you to quickly get your character up and running using PUN.xa xaFeatures: xa- Character and Item Synchronization xa- Transform Prediction and Interpolation xa- Master Client Migration xa- Authoritative Health
PUN Multiplayer Add-On for Opsive Character Controllers v1.0.2.unitypackage << DOWNLOAD >>