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What do you think happens when you die?

Submitted by FlabPack, , Thread ID: 158461

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RE: What do you think happens when you die?

I think nothin, I would like to think something but I dont think you would remember anyway

RE: What do you think happens when you die?

13-02-2020, 02:29 AM
FlabPack Wrote:
Simple question, what do you think happens when you meet your final moments and pass.
i think you go into an invite state of dreaming, almost like a coma

RE: What do you think happens when you die?

Everything turns into black and then... nothing. I'm certain about it, you just cease to exist.

RE: What do you think happens when you die?

Qu es Lorem Ipsum?
Lorem Ipsum es simplemente el texto de relleno de las imprentas y archivos de texto. Lorem Ipsum ha sido el texto de relleno estndar de las industrias desde el ao 1500, cuando un impresor (N. del T. persona que se dedica a la imprenta) desconocido us una galera de textos y los mezcl de tal manera que logr hacer un libro de textos especimen. No slo sobrevivi 500 aos, sino que tambien ingres como texto de relleno en documentos electrnicos, quedando esencialmente igual al original. Fue popularizado en los 60s con la creacin de las hojas "Letraset", las cuales contenian pasajes de Lorem Ipsum, y ms recientemente con software de autoedicin, como por ejemplo Aldus PageMaker, el cual incluye versiones de Lorem Ipsum.


RE: What do you think happens when you die?

You die and that's it. I don't believe there is some great mystery there...

RE: What do you think happens when you die?

lemme call the grave real quick, they said you lay dere and eat mac and cheese

RE: What do you think happens when you die?

this is a Crazy idea but... funeral. then my body decomposes

RE: What do you think happens when you die?

I'd like to think the universe is itself a consciousness, albeit w/ a terrible disassociate disorder, and that when I eventually die, it'll indicate that this universal consciousness is one step closer to a healthy state of mind.

That said, what do I *actually* think? Like other's have mentioned, you probably experience some dream/hallucination-like state... and then the lights eventually go out. What happens after, if anything, is anyone's guess. It's probable that we'll never truly know.

RE: What do you think happens when you die?

same thing that happens when you are asleep nothing

RE: What do you think happens when you die?

13-02-2020, 02:29 AM
FlabPack Wrote:
Simple question, what do you think happens when you meet your final moments and pass.

well, i "died" once

it feels like your own personal heaven, but everything is black

there's this really euphoric, peaceful feeling

like, nothing is there, just bliss.

hell, when I was in the hospital after being revived, I practically begged the doctors to let me die cause of that feeling alone

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