I know that I will be in the minority but to me, the best JoJo has always been the original one. Jonathan Joestar.
I love Jonathan as a character. He had a great character growth from a child to an adult. He always strived to be a true gentleman but he was a bit of a mischevious child so it was hard. Once he grew up however he became a great man. Granted Dio had a role in his growth but it still takes a big person to be able to grow so much after surviving so many horrible things done by Dio. He is a proud man and he never breaks his morals. He respects and loves his family and everyone around him unless they are someone completely unforgivable. He is someone who always thinks about other people and how his actions will affect them. He always wants to help and has a strong drive, arguably the strongest out of all the JoJos. He is the most passionate, honorable and hardest working JoJo.
Another reason why he’s the best JoJo? He managed to get the most legendary character in history on his side: Speedwagon