Battle Royale Games

What's your favorite BR?

Submitted by GameTwitch1, , Thread ID: 147626

Thread Closed
24-10-2019, 12:24 AM
I've played a lot of BRs, and they all seem to have their flaws
PUBG is too nauseating in first person (personal opinion)
Fortnite is well,... we all know it's turned every good thing bad to be 'hip with the kidz'
Ring of elysium is pretty cool, except the hurricane (storm) isn't circular, it's geometric, so you could be 3 miles away from the safe zone, but the province next to you is completely safe.
Cuisine royale is my favorite, it's hilarious and brings a little laughing into the br scene. It's not completely ridiculous, and it's not too serious. it's good to see a BR with alittle funninesssprinkled in.
Animal Royale just isn't my taste.

What's your favorite? I'd like to know.

RE: What's your favorite BR?

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RE: What's your favorite BR?

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RE: What's your favorite BR?

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RE: What's your favorite BR?

This post was last modified: 30-10-2019, 06:50 PM by BigSquirmy
PUBG is my jam. I play others but not as much as pubg

[video=dailymotion Wrote:[/video]BigSquirmy pid='1118240' dateline='1572448989']PUBG is my jam. I play others but not as much as pubg

RE: What's your favorite BR?

my favorite br is pubg but mobile version becaus it mobile

RE: What's your favorite BR?

I used to play a lot of PUBG but the clunkyness got me really tired. I tried all the others but got hooked into none. So PUBG it is.

RE: What's your favorite BR?

I very love pubg, there can be in his krivorukosti to blame game

RE: What's your favorite BR?

my favourite battle royale is minecraft hunger games ! the best battle royale the world has ever seen !!! :D

RE: What's your favorite BR?

My favorite battle royale is Fortnite, but I also play pubg (the lite just because I'm poor), I've also played the call of duty

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