I personally think this update is much better than Xenforo 1.x not just because it's newer but, just because it functions better and handles faster. In general, it is coded alot better I don't think I need to tell more about.
So what do you think about this new Xenforo 2 are there some things they should have added or removed?
Ill not talk about codes as you are the best maybe to describe but I think XenForo team choose to give customers all features they asked. The questions are:
1. Do you think they recognized that social media killed the concept of forums so they tried to satisfy customers by adding all features they refused before?
2. Im wondering what will be next after Xf2! Just adding new features? I dont know actually how forums would be in the future!
I think it works great since there are many addons that seems to be supported, i found it a bit more user friendly and in most cases you can convert to xenforo 2 from 1