
Why is minecraft just slowly dying/fading away?

Submitted by MoloTheEpicEyeGO, , Thread ID: 87142

Thread Closed
04-05-2018, 10:22 AM
LatelyMinecraft hasn't been gaining popularity, and to me, Minecrafthas faded away from my life

RE: Why is minecraft just slowly dying/fading away?

Closed Account
11-05-2018, 01:43 AM
This post was last modified: 11-05-2018, 01:44 AM by nugiloco
This is the section where you can customize your server status ping!
Default is the section for the status used when the player name is unknown.
Personalized is used if the client has already joined the server once.
Use %player% as placeholder for the player's name.

Description (MotD): A short status message for your server, max. 2 lines.
Hover: The player hover message that is displayed if you hover the player count.
Slots: Custom player slot formatting, see http://git.io/slp-slots
Use multiple server icons or the player's head as favicon, see http://git.io/oMhJlg
Possible favicon sources: Files, Folders, URLs, Heads, Helms, Encoded

More features are explained in the Wiki: http://git.io/slp-config
Add multiple entries for random messages.
Save the file with valid UTF-8 encoding for special characters.
Player name: %player%
Player count: %online%, %max%, %online@server% %online@world%
Random online player name: %random_player%

Shows offline/online status of reported player.
Displays their UUID.
Shows the report ID.
Shows the reason for the report.
Shows who reported the player. This will help to determine whether it was a false report.
Shows when the player was reported (in the server's local time).
You can delete reports by pressing the drop key.
You can configure the permission, prefix, whether you can report yourself, etc in the configuration
All messages are configurable.
All players with the permission for /reports are notified when a player is reported.
Database reports - the data is cached when you start the server to prevent any lag.
Optimized so that you won't get any lag while reporting.
Fast responses and updates.
Multi-language support - just edit the language file to your needs.
Notifications for unread reports.
Display custom effects for when you report someone.
Bungeecord support - reports are network-wide
Beta staff mode with custom vanish plugin support

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