holograms Hello ! In this guide, I will help you create your own inscription in the air (Hologram). -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ 1. Creating Time Holograms display hologram "Text" at [Site] for [Time] "Text" - What to write on our hologram. [Location] - Where our hologram should appear. [Time] - How long will our hologram appear.
2.We create a command showing the hologram
command / holo [<text>]: permission: holo.admin permission message: & 4 No entitlement! trigger: display hologram "% coloured arg 1%" at player for 5 seconds 3. Practical application ? Possibility to create balloons with the amount of DMG [RPG] on damage: display hologram "&4&o- %damage% HP" at location of victim for 2 second ? The possibility of creating circling the player
on join: if player has permission "gracz.*": make hologram "&aGames" follow player if player has permission "vip.*": make hologram "&5VIP" follow player if player has permission "admin.*": make hologram "&4&lADMIN" follow player 4. Information For the correct operation of the script you need the add-on: Wild Skript If you have any errors, report them in the commentary, and if you liked the