Hello Nulled folks, I'm not seen around much anymore :3 but I'm looking for a helping hand. When looking back, I can't really seem to find any place other than Nulled where I know people skilled at WordPress are... :3 :3
So I've come to ask you for help... I' got a WordPress site, which I want to have set up something like these sites:
I'm not talking design wise, but practicality. Pages for individual novels, and chapters read-wise. You can check them out and click on them to see how I want it, with each chapter to a novel having a previous chapter and next chapter..
Not sure if this is hard to do or not, as most of it are simple changes etc. I'm currently using a free theme, but in case I find a theme I want I'll just buy it.
Thinking about this, I don't find it too hard to do, I am just too much of a novice at wordpress to make it function, and am stressed out atm. Hoping one of you can help me :3 :3
You can always hit me up on Discord if you want to help a cutie like me :3
Hey there. I would recommend the "Huber" Theme for that. Im using it myself on my Website and there you can set "Hubs" for the Topic like "Game" and then you can reflink there some News, Videos and a Custom Tab. Just letting my Website here so you can see if this will fit