Idle chat about getting used to the new theme, I suppose. No harm in it, right? Unless you'd rather have it in a different thread. But I do agree and see your point, and I even think thatthe title could be more descriptive.
fdigl Wrote: Idle chat about getting used to the new theme, I suppose. No harm in it, right? Unless you'd rather have it in a different thread. But I do agree and see your point, and I even think thatthe title could be more descriptive.
How do you chat about getting used to something? Start using the one theme you can only use anyway?
Faded Wrote: How do you chat about getting used to something? Start using the one theme you can only use anyway?
Well, people are talking about D.Va's 400HP/200AP nerf and the 24DMG to 22DMG nerfs and we're going to only be able to use that anyways. When that patch goes live, people will still be talking about it but the conversation will slow off or die down if it isn't too big of a deal (like the Genji nerfs, you don't hear as much talk about it anymore)- and I assume it would be the same kind of thing in this situation as well.
fdigl Wrote: Well, people are talking about D.Va's 400HP/200AP nerf and the 24DMG to 22DMG nerfs and we're going to only be able to use that anyways. When that patch goes live, people will still be talking about it but the conversation will slow off or die down if it isn't too big of a deal (like the Genji nerfs, you don't hear as much talk about it anymore)- and I assume it would be the same kind of thing in this situation as well.