Hiya, long time no see. I hope you have all kept healthy and safe through this pandemic. I am just checking in to say hi. I doubt I will be remembered by many.
Short breakdown of my goings on:
I am a mum now, I think thats kinda where I faded away things just got busy. *shrug* I still stream occasionally, even tho I did take a two and half year break haha but I still try to do it as a fun hobby.
I still run a small cosy lil gaming related community, half the reason I am snooping around I wont lie, wanna teach myself to make a kickass forum as a group project between a couple other communities and I. But thats a project I dont want to rush.
My kid is 3 going on 4 now, mental. I do photography in my spare time, and still working , I dont work as much now, got myself a cushty little part time gig, still in carework, I worked through the pandemic, have had covid, still have long covid, vaccinated... just getting back to normality with restrictions lifting.
Still have the two snakes and two lizards, we lost two lizards to old age, but Bond is going strong. Gained a Giant African Land snail and hope for a dog next year.
anyway, enough about me. Whose still about, how is everyone!? been up to much recently? I aim to get back to checking in and contributing a little like I used too.